2544 Boardwalk St, San Antonio TX 78217

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2544 Boardwalk St, San Antonio TX 78217

How Solar Power Works

Residential & Commercial

San Antonio Solar Power

How Solar Power Works

You may have seen solar power systems around San Antonio, TX, but have questions about how they work. Solar power is a modern alternative to traditional sources for electricity. It is a type of “clean energy,” which means that it is both renewable and less harmful to the environment than other energy sources. You can enjoy huge cost savings by installing solar power at your residence or business. Contact a member of Solar Sunny-Side UP today to learn more about solar power.

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Capturing the Sun’s Energy

In the first part of a solar power creation, solar panels capture light. The sun’s rays contain energy in the form of light particles, also called photons. Solar panels are made up of many photovoltaic cells that capture these photons, which contain energy.

Photovoltaic cells in solar panels have an electric charge because of the different materials in them. When sun particles enter solar panels, they knock free charged particles. The system connected to each solar panel captures these particles and converts them into electricity.

Using Energy in Your Home or Business

Once electricity is created in a solar power system, it is a “direct current” of electricity. A solar system transfers electricity into the electrical wires in your home, making an “alternating current.” Just like the electricity you use now, this converted solar energy can be used when you plug in a device or flip a switch on or off.

When you install a solar power system at your home or business in San Antonio, TX, you use less electricity from your local electric company. This means cost savings. Many solar power customers can lessen their bill by a large percentage or eliminate it entirely. In some states, electric companies actually pay solar power customers for their extra energy..

Making the Switch to Solar Power

Save the planet and your wallet with Solar Sunny-Side UP! Take charge of your energy usage today and make an educated decision to switch to solar power. Our helpful team in San Antonio, TX is ready to provide you a free estimate along with all the info needed for making this great leap forward - just fill out our simple form on this page now. Get energized with clean, renewable solar power!

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M-Sat: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

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(855) 887-8669

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2544 Boardwalk St, San Antonio TX 78217
M-Sat: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Sun: Closed

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