Mailbag 62

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Mailbag 62 was uploaded to the CWCipedia on 12 April 2010. It was the sparsest Mailbag to date, containing only one letter. This may have been to see if Chris had the energy to answer a single question. (SPOILER ALERT: He didn't.) Also, it was the last Mailbag ever uploaded.

This Mailbag, despite having only one question, remained unanswered before the death of the CWCipedia in May 2010.

Not getting answered ever

End of an era

From: Phil <[email protected]>

Hi Chris, long time fan here. I have 2 questions.

1. You seem to really be after sexual intercourse more than a girlfriend. Is this true? If so, what are your life plans after you do lose your virginity? 2. Have you considered buying a Fleshlight? They apparently feel just like real sex.

...okay 3 questions.

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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Mailbag 62