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I'm thinking maybe we could make a subpage to this one, where we keep track of All the E-mails by date, including the ones Chris deletes. Call it Mailbag/Archive or something like that. Good idea or bad idea? --Beat 05:24, 20 November 2009 (CET)

  • That's what I was thinking. This needs to be updated and seen by those who don't want to go into Chris's site --Blazer 05:54, 20 November 2009 (CET)

How long does it usually take him to post the letters you send? I sent him one yesterday as "Amber Blue" and he hasn't uploaded it, not even to the rejected section. V3N0M1300 05:18, 6 December 2009 (CET)

Chris doesn't upload them. The way it works is his sysop (who is secretly Cogs) makes a mailbag page with a selection of the best E-mails, and then Chris gets around to answering them when he's good and ready. My understanding is they're screened pretty thoroughly, and ever if yours makes the cut, there's an awful lot of e-mail to go through, so It might be a few days.
If Chris was the one uploading these, the only ones we'd ever see were ones that shamelessly kissed his ass. --Beat 05:30, 6 December 2009 (CET)

Letters and letter responses of note

I find alot of the letters and Chris' response to them pretty funny, particularly this one.

From: Redmond Marbury <[email protected]>

Hey man!

I just wanted to congratulate you on your comic; it's really, really good. I'm a bit worried, though. 'Cause I've sent you fan e-mails to your regular e-mail address and you've never replied, so I'm not sure if you'll end up replying to this one too.

Anyway, my question is this:

How much time do you spend on each comic page? I mean, with your now regular updates, it might be called your 'full time job', but since it's not making you any money (YET :D), some might argue that it's actually taking time away from you finding a job and whatnot, and making it more likely that you'll fall into financial trouble and debt. What do you think of this? Are you worried?

Thanks for your years of entertaining comics, Chris!


(I've attached my fan-mail that I sent your e-mail as well. I hope you like it. It took me over a hundred hours in Microsoft Paint to draw, and I added a message that I feel both you and I can agree on. :) )

Firstly, I got your image in my mailbox; while I thank you for your fanart, No Offense, but I do not appreciate Sonichu drawn looking retarded; I feel it grinds my gears a bit.

I spend an hour at the most on drawing a page; half-hour for coloring that page; sometimes longer depending on the thought process. I am not worried; I am doing well, thank you.

--ChrisChanSonichu 05:51, 21 November 2009 (CET)

Where exactly did Chris get the idea that Sonichu was being drawn to look retarded? I mean, yeah, it's not Chris' stereotypical "SONICHU ZAPPIN' 2 DA XTREME!" pose, but it's not out of the ordinary either.

Along with that letter there are others, like one from Gregg Mays, which Chris doesn't seem to take any real notice in the fact that it's from somebody connected with Clyde, one from Hamsty the Hamster (an alter ego of vivians'), which Chris either didn't notice given that it only consists of a couple short sentences or just outright ignored, and Meg Gray, an obvious play off of Gregg Mays. Also of note is Chris' refusal to accept that Asperger's is a form of Autism, despite the correction coming from a doctor. --The Great Wizard CrassCrab, Lord of the Seven Realm and Master of the Archane Black Arts of the Eleventh Trans-Dimensional Vortex 17:28, 21 November 2009 (CET)

Not only that, but he "closed [his] mind to it," regardless of things like "facts" and "doctors." That close-minded little bastard. EnsignDisposable 17:38, 21 November 2009 (CET)

Chris's response

Does anyone else get annoyed by the way he responds? No greeting, no well wishing, just bluntly answering the questions in short sentences, then "have a nice day." That's probably due to his autistic derpiness. Also, he thinks that smoking or drinking while the baby is in the womb causes it to be gay, and he wants everyone to have straight babies. That's some psycho shit, Chris.--Broseph 03:10, 29 November 2009 (CET)

  • Are you really surprised, at this point, that Crhis fails at basic human interaction, as well as anatomy and physiology, psychology, and sociology? --sonichuis44 03:25, 29 November 2009 (CET)
  • Good point, and well made.--Broseph 12:42, 29 November 2009 (CET)


Should this page be expanded to have a section dedicating to archiving, Chris's hypocrisy? its one of the most revealing things about him, as well as the most funny i think. For example when he tells somebody to "GO GET A JOB". or when he calls someones religious views close minded. (protip they share the same religion) I think it would do great to expand the size of this page. Squidward 07:39, 3 December 2009 (CET)

  • Truth be told, I think his hypocrisy fits better within the Chris and his Ego page than here. That sort of thing is his ego going at a million miles an hour with no signs of stopping. --Blazer 07:47, 3 December 2009 (CET)
  • I put up Chris and hypocrisy a day ago. I've been toying with it prior to the mailbags. Please add to it. --Anaconda 05:06, 7 December 2009 (CET)

Oh no the mailbags are a mess!

So we've got the Mailbag articles, which I enjoy updating a little too much, where we note all the letters, the answers, and which ones Chris Rejected.

Then we have the Rejected Mailbag article, where we note the ones Chris Rejected, meaning we have all the letters he didn't want to respond to on the CWCki twice.

And now we have David Crass's letter, which started in mailbag 4, Then got rejected, then got answered a week after it was rejected, then went to mail bag 10, so that letters' in three places at once. This is just getting ridiculous.

Now, I'm not a mod or an admin or anything official sounding, but unless someone objects, I'm going to take the following course of action this very evening:

  • Update the mailbag template to have specific links for letters answered, Rejected letters, and Autisim letters.
  • Flesh out the Rejected Mailbag into an actual article, then remove all the redundant e-mails in it since they can now all be found much quickly via the template
  • Add additional notation to all the E-mails that need it. I'm gonna just put David Crass's in mailbag 10, since that is essentially it's final resting place.

I certainly hope no one objects.--Beat 04:22, 7 December 2009 (CET)

- See, I thought he answered and then deleted it when he just moved it to #10. Answering and then deleting would make about as much sense as anything else Chris does. I just care because I want the "ROSECHU IS MORE THAN JUST A SEX OBJECT" quote on the Rosechu page to link to Chris's answer. --Anaconda 04:59, 7 December 2009 (CET)

Wikify stuff, people

Internal links. --Sonijew 19:23, 20 December 2009 (CET)

  • I'm on it, boss.--Beat 22:35, 20 December 2009 (CET)

Sysop needs to put a fire under Chris's ass

As of 1/12/2010, Chris has four untouched mailbags (36,37,38,39). Has he finally just stopped giving a fuck about his "fans"? The "Down with Asperchu" video speaks to the contrary. Maybe you should hold him to an arrangement similar to the comic pages, kinda like how he promised to draw 2 pages a day or something? He could at least answer one mailbag a day, nothing sent to him requires a thesis of a response, and not much mental effort for that matter.- Cadpig 19:21, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

Emailing Chris

I've sent Chris two emails, and neither of them have made it into any of the mailbags posted since. How long do these normally take? Is there aught I am doing wrong? The address is still [email protected], right? [[User:Manwithoutabody] | Manwithoutabody]] 2:16, 27 January 2010 (CEST)

If they're not up by now, they didn't make the screening process. Poor wikisysop has to go through hundreds of letters a day to make the mailbags. Some of them have to get cut.--Beat 19:28, 27 January 2010 (UTC)
Damn. [[User:Manwithoutabody] | Manwithoutabody]] 10:48, 28 January 2010 (CEST)

Table of Contents in Mailbags

Mailbag 1 has a contents section, others do not (haven't checked if this is some others or all others). I'd like to make this more consistent. Personally I like having the TOC. Any objections to removing the NOTOC tag on all mailbags? BubonicTheHedgehog 13:32, 7 August 2011 (PDT)