
From CWCki
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Ass Burger Ass Burger
This user has Asperger's Syndrome and tries to take the Shine and Limelight away from True Autistics.
Thorg Atheist
This user is a pizza-faced atheist and does not believe in God nor the Bear.
Flag of Europe Eurofag: This user is a Eurofag and insists on using unnecessary vowels.
BLANK Grammar Nazi
This user edits the CWCki to exterminate all typos and grammatical errors. HEIL GRAMMAR!
Observer Observer
This user is taking it Easy. They have followed Chris-Chan's movements, but hasn't contributed to the trolling efforts.
The White Eagle Polish: This user comes from the TRUE AND HONEST Slavic land between the Oder and the Buh. Don't expect Chris to find it on a map, though. Ten posiadacz dupokanapki pochodzi z PRAWDZIWEJ I UCZCIWEJ słowiańskiej krainy między Odrą a Bugiem. Ale nie spodziewaj się, żeby Chris ją znalazł na mapie.
This user is STRAIGHT. The men like dykes and china while the women like pickles & balls. Unlike Chris, they don't mind da homos.
TVTropes Logo Troper
This user would edit the CWCki, but is too busy browsing TV Tropes.
Virgin with Rage Virgin with rage
Like Chris, this user feels lonely, and is currently looking for a Boyfriend-free girl, or possibly a Girlfriend-free boy.
Warrior Warrior
This user is Normal. He/She has contributed to trolling Chris in some way, shape, or form.
Chris Acting Black White
This user is white and finds Chris's race relations embarrassing.