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First Nations Launch


    • Save the Date: Annual Wisconsin Space Conference
      Please join us for the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference on Friday, August 9 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Special guest speaker, Michell Thaller, Assistant Director for Science Communication at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Waukesha, WI native will discuss the United States’ “Return to the Moon.”  Registration for the event will open soon.

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    • Mileage Reimbursement Rate Updated
      Effective January 1, 2024, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium will adopt the new IRS mileage rate of .67 per mile.

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Competition Prizes

Team Challenge Awards (based on availability of funds):
(** Gateway Challenge/***International Teams eligible for award) 

                      Grand Prize Award:    $3000 w/invitation and travel stipend for a VIP Tour at a NASA Center
                                     2nd Place:    $2000
                                      3rd Place:    $1000
      ***    Written Reports Award:    Certificate
**/*** Oral Presentation Award:    Certificate 

Competition Awards (based on the availability of funds):

**/*** Aesthetic  Awarded to the team chosen by their peers as the team whose rocket has the most innovative and professional appearance.
**/*** Team Spirit  Awarded to the team chosen by their peers as the team that shows interactive spirit, helpfulness, and cooperation.
**/*** Rookie Team Awarded to a new team that completes all phases of the rocket competition with determination and perseverance. 
**/*** Advisor Awarded to an advisor or co-advisor that equips, encourages, and empowers their team to compete with confidence and capabilities that lead to next step opportunities.
**/*** Team Lead Awarded to a team lead that fulfills their role with excellence.
**/*** Altitude Awarded to the team whose actual apogee is closest to the predicted apogee without going over the predicted apogee in the Flight Readiness Report.
**/*** Judges  Awarded to the team chosen by the judges as the team who met the goals of the program and exemplified hard work and determination.
**/*** Nobile Awarded to the team chosen by Tripoli Rocketry Association who met all safety expectations by designing and building the competition rocket according to TRA standards and recommendations.
Next Step Up to $15000 Project/Team Travel Award w/invitation to Student Launch at Marshall Space Flight Center and/or RockOn! At Wallops Flight Facility.
**/*** Outreach $500
**/*** Patch Contest $100 (U.S. Citizens only)
** Team Advisor Stipend $1000 ($500 for on-campus activities, $500 for travel to the competition)  
Teams led by an advisor/co-advisor will split the stipend ($500/$500)
** TRA Membership One-year Tripoli Rocketry Association Membership upon Level 1 Certification through First Nations Launch.

First Nations Launch


    • Save the Date: Annual Wisconsin Space Conference
      Please join us for the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference on Friday, August 9 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Special guest speaker, Michell Thaller, Assistant Director for Science Communication at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Waukesha, WI native will discuss the United States’ “Return to the Moon.”  Registration for the event will open soon.

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    • Mileage Reimbursement Rate Updated
      Effective January 1, 2024, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium will adopt the new IRS mileage rate of .67 per mile.

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