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Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium


    • Save the Date: Annual Wisconsin Space Conference
      Please join us for the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference on Friday, August 9 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Special guest speaker, Michell Thaller, Assistant Director for Science Communication at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Waukesha, WI native will discuss the United States’ “Return to the Moon.”  Registration for the event will open soon.

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    • Mileage Reimbursement Rate Updated
      Effective January 1, 2024, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium will adopt the new IRS mileage rate of .67 per mile.

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Higher Education Incentives

Announcement of Opportunity


2024 Programs

Academic Year
2024-2025 Programs

APPLICATIONS OPEN: August 11, 2023 November 1, 2023
APPLICATION DEADLINE: October 9, 2023 February 5, 2024
AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT: December 1, 2023 March 29, 2024
AWARD CYCLE: January 1 - May 31, 2024 June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025

Higher Education Announcement of Opportunity 


Multi-institutional Awards**: up to $15,000
Major Awards: up to $10,000
Minor Awards: up to $5,000

*Based on availability of funds.
**Projects demonstrating collaboration between two- and four-year campuses or multiple four-year campuses will be eligible for the multi-institutional award.


The Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium invites proposals for value-added, higher education teaching/training projects related to any space or aerospace discipline. This is a seed-grant program for faculty implemented undergraduate education projects which support the most innovative ideas on how to increase the space and aerospace content of undergraduate university and college offerings.

Proposed Projects Should

  • have an emphasis on space sciences, aerospace engineering, or any other space-related discipline or interdisciplinary STEM field.
  • be intended for the education and/or training of undergraduate students, with an emphasis on faculty enhancement and curriculum development in undergraduate education.
  • align with the NASA Mission Directorates (For more information on NASA Directorates, see

To Apply:

Application Requirements:

  • WSGC affiliate member universities or colleges are eligible. Industry, nonprofit associations, and nonmembers can propose programs and work jointly with one of our academic members, providing the educational activity occurs at a member campus (e.g., visiting lectureship, an extension course, nonprofit group offering).
  • Students funded through this grant must be U.S. Citizens.
  • Affiliate member institutions must have affiliate award agreement documents on file with the WSGC Program Office.
  • Higher Education Incentives must align with at least one of NASA Mission Directorates.
  • The Consortium especially encourages applications from women, underrepresented communities and persons with disabilities.
  • Minimum 1:1 match

Current & Past Award Recipients

Supporting Materials Required with Application:

Submit a proposal addressing each of the seven elements listed below. Be sure to clearly identify each element within the proposal. The proposal should not exceed 15 pages, including figures (see the Announcement of Opportunity for specific details):

  1. Introduction/Summary
  2. Background
  3. Proposed Activities
  4. Evaluation Plan
  5. Timeline/Schedule
  6. Budget/Use of Funds: Grant Budget Proposal and Invoice Reporting Template Form
  7. CV/Personnel* This grant only allows one Principal Investigator to be listed on the application.

Award Acceptance Components:

As part of the award acceptance, awardees will present their project at the Annual Wisconsin Space Conference as outlined in the award agreement and submit the following documents on the WSGC application website under Program Applications/Your Applications:

  • Award Agreement Letter
  • Institution W9
  • Media Release Form
  • One-Paragraph Biography
  • PI Professional Photo
  • Quarterly Invoices/Cost-Share Report with Supporting Documentation
  • Office of Education Survey
  • Interim Report (if period of performance is greater than 6 months)
  • Summary/Final Report (due 30 days after the project end date)
  • Present project at the Annual Wisconsin Space Conference
  • 2-3 project photos featuring faculty/students/program participants
  • Alumni Story


Katherine Rabidoux, Ph.D.
Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium
Associate Director for Higher Education
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Phone: 608-342-1406
E-mail: [email protected]

Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium
Carthage College
2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha WI 53140
Phone: 262-551-6054
E-mail: [email protected]

This funding opportunity is made available for the pursuit of space-related research and/or activities through the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program: NASA Educational Cooperative Agreement #80NSSC20M0123. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for this award is 43.008. Award recipients are subject to the terms of this award.

All awards are fully competitive awards of opportunity in which applications are reviewed by the WSGC Technical Advisory Panel and other experts as needed. Awards are made by the Assistant Director based on recommendations from the Associate Director.

Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium


    • Save the Date: Annual Wisconsin Space Conference
      Please join us for the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference on Friday, August 9 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Special guest speaker, Michell Thaller, Assistant Director for Science Communication at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Waukesha, WI native will discuss the United States’ “Return to the Moon.”  Registration for the event will open soon.

      More >

    • Mileage Reimbursement Rate Updated
      Effective January 1, 2024, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium will adopt the new IRS mileage rate of .67 per mile.

      More >

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