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Articles on Poverty

Displaying 81 - 100 of 915 articles

Food insecurity can impact both a mother’s ability or decision to breastfeed, and also the ability to purchase baby formula. (Shutterstock)

Canada’s welfare system is failing mothers with infants

Low-income mothers with infants are struggling with food insecurity, which can lead to long-term health impacts for both mothers and children.
Debt renegotiation between debtors (mostly older, minority women) and debt collectors (in green and from behind). December 2019, debt renegotiation fair in Vitoria (Espirito Santo) Brazil. T. Narring

How debt has morphed into a new form of work for women

In different parts of the world, managing debt on a day-to-day basis is a real job, and one that is mainly taken on by women.
Low-income residents are among those most likely to lose cooling in their homes because they can’t pay their bills. Solidcolours/iStock/Getty Images Plus

America faces a power disconnection crisis amid rising heat: In 31 states, utilities can shut off electricity for nonpayment in a heat wave

One in 4 American households are at risk of losing power because of the high cost of energy. Over 30% of those disconnections are in summer, when heat gets dangerous.

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