The Social Security Rate For Companies in Brazil stands at 28.80 percent. Social Security Rate For Companies in Brazil averaged 28.51 percent from 2004 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 31.80 percent in 2014 and a record low of 20.00 percent in 2016. source: Ministério da Previdência Social

Related Last Previous Unit Reference
Corporate Tax Rate 34.00 34.00 percent Dec 2024
Personal Income Tax Rate 27.50 27.50 percent Dec 2024
Sales Tax Rate 17.00 17.00 percent Dec 2024
Social Security Rate 42.80 39.80 percent Dec 2023
Social Security Rate For Companies 28.80 28.80 percent Dec 2023
Social Security Rate For Employees 14.00 11.00 percent Dec 2023
Withholding Tax Rate 15.00 15.00 percent Dec 2024

Brazil Social Security Rate For Companies
In Brazil, social security tax rate for companies is composed of four different taxes: Employer’s Contribution (20 percent + 2.5 percent if financial institution); Working Accident Contribution RAT (1 to 3 percent), Length-of-Service Guarantee Fund FGTS (8 percent) and Other Entities Contributions (5.8 percent: INCRA, SESC, SENAI, SEBRAE, education allowance). Revenues from the Social Security Rate are an important source of income for the government of Brazil because they help to pay for many social programs including welfare, health care and many other benefits.
Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency
28.80 28.80 31.80 20.00 2004 - 2023 percent Yearly