Health Promotion

Health Promotion

The Health Promotion Department advances the health and well-being of UC Berkeley students through individual and environmental initiatives.  

Key strategies include academic courses, individual appointments, workshops, volunteer and internship opportunities, and consultation and training. 

Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD)

Our goal is to engage, educate, and empower all stakeholders in order to reduce risk and harm in the campus area related to alcohol and other drugs. The PartySafe program leverages 5 Strategies to create a campus alcohol and other drugs (AOD) culture that supports all who study, live, work & play in the campus area.

Contact: Health Promotion, [email protected], (510) 642-7202. 

Food, Nutrition & Exercise

Our goal is to address the role that nutrition and exercise play in supporting the academic success and personal health of students. Our strategies include individual patient education, partnerships with campus units, and initiatives to reduce food insecurity. 

Contact: Health Promotion, [email protected], (510) 642-7202. 

Healthy Relationships

Our goal is to assist students in building connections with peers, fostering meaningful and healthy relationships, and experiencing a sense of social support. Our strategies take place primarily through health campaigns and our Sexual Health Education Program (SHEP). 

Sexual Health Education Program: Robin Mills, [email protected], (510) 642-3620
All others: Health Promotion, [email protected], (510) 642-7202

Multicultural Student Health

Our goal is to create a healthier and more inclusive campus environment for underserved populations of students. Our strategies include culturally-focused workshops and trainings, health campaigns, and advocacy of critical issues within UHS and across campus.  

Health Promotion, [email protected], (510) 642-7202 

Residential Health & Wellness

Our goal is to support students in taking responsibility for their health and wellness in their campus living communities. Our strategies take place primarily through the Health Worker Program which brings health promotion activities to the residence halls, fraternities, sororities, and International House.  

Contact: Lauren Magdaleno, [email protected], (510) 643-9061. 

Resilience & Stress Management

Our goal is to support individuals and address the campus environment to help people thrive, enhance resilience, and prevent and reduce the negative effects of stress. Our strategies include health campaigns (including Pet Hugs and RRR Study Break Tips), health coaching, massage chairs, and selected outreach presentations on resilience and stress management.  

Contact: Health Promotion, [email protected], (510) 642-7202

Sexual Health & Sexuality

Our goal is to provide comprehensive sexual health education and safer sex supply samples to the campus community with an emphasis on healthy and positive sexuality. Our strategies take place primarily through the Sexual Health Education Programhealth coaching, and presentations to academic courses and student organizations.  

Contact: Robin Mills, [email protected], (510) 642-3620. 

Violence Prevention

Our goal is to bring the public health voice to campus conversations about violence. Our strategies include partnering with and supporting the Bears That Care program and the Survivor Support office, as well as the Let’s Talk About Consent campaign.  

Contact: Health Promotion, [email protected], (510) 642-7202


Our goal is to channel energy for student wellness into sustainable strategies that focus on culture change. Our strategies include individual patient education, consultation on student wellness projects, and collaboration with student initiatives and campus partners. 

Contact: Health Promotion, [email protected], (510) 642-7202.