Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT)

Harmonization of international trade law in practice requires that the laws concerned are interpreted in a uniform manner. Many UNCITRAL texts contain the principle that in interpreting the texts concerned, judges and arbitrators should consider the international origin of the law and the need to promote uniformity in its application. 

In order to support consistency in decisions and awards on its texts, UNCITRAL established a system in 1988 to collect and disseminate information on court decisions and arbitral awards relating to UNCITRAL texts: the Case Law on UNCITRAL texts, known as CLOUT. 

Each case in CLOUT includes a short summary of the case, termed “CLOUT Abstracts”. CLOUT Abstracts are published in collections known as “CLOUT issues”, in all six official United Nations languages, available in the United Nations Official Documents system.

Basic case information and individual CLOUT abstracts are also published in the searchable CLOUT Database, freely accessible worldwide. 

By promoting the uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL texts, CLOUT enables lawyers and parties to commercial transactions, and other interested persons, to take those cases into account in concluding their transactions. It reinforces the confidence of the international business community in the consistent application of international trade law in all countries concerned. Finally, CLOUT operates as a useful tool to support continued and sustained capacity-building to legal professionals in the use and implementation of UNCITRAL texts. CLOUT is therefore a useful resource for practitioners, academics, businesses and students.

The CLOUT system relies on an international network of contributors with an expertise in international commercial law. 

The CLOUT Network monitors relevant court decisions and arbitral awards, collects case information, prepares CLOUT Abstracts, and submits these documents to the UNCITRAL Secretariat. Members of the CLOUT Network are:

  • National correspondents, who are designated by States that are parties to an UNCITRAL Convention or that have enacted legislation based on an UNCITRAL text
  • Institutional partners 
  • Voluntary contributors 

The UNCITRAL secretariat invites new voluntary contributors to join the CLOUT Network anytime in order to submit information on relevant cases and CLOUT Abstracts. Those interested should contact [email protected].

Further information on CLOUT is available in the CLOUT User Guide.

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CLOUT Network (contributors to the CLOUT System)