Business Guide to CSW63

Are you organizing a business-relevant event during the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63)?

In an effort to promote business participation at events being planned in celebration of International Women's Day (8 March) and/or convened during CSW63 in New York City, the UN Global Compact is creating a Business Guide to CSW63.

Many different events are organized in and around CSW63 with a business focus or that welcome private sector participation. Some are organized by United Nations entities, while many others are convened by outside organizations. The Business Guide is a compilation of events which may be of interest to businesses attending CSW63.

Kindly note that the UN Global Compact does not manage invitations or registration for events in the Business Guide. If you are interested in participating in an event listed, please find information about registering through the event link/contact provided.

If you would like to have your event featured in the Business Guide, please submit it for our consideration using this form. The Business Guide will feature those events that:

  1. Take place in New York City between 4 - 22 March 2019
  2. Are open to business participation
  3. Plan for or welcome discussion on the role of business in advancing gender equality

For any questions regarding the Business Guide, feel free to reach out to Pia Haslauer at [email protected]

This Is A Leader: Celebrating International Women's Day

7 March, 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Location: NeueHouse Library, 110 E 25th St, New York, NY 10010

This event is hosted by BSR, The Estée Lauder Companies, UGG, and Williams-Sonoma, Inc. to celebrate International Women’s Day 2019 and as part of a campaign to promote and accelerate women's leadership. The event will bring together senior leaders from these three major brands and from BSR's HERproject, as well as a range of women leaders from different fields. The event will provide concrete direction on business action to drive gender equality at both a corporate and supply chain level, as well as a range of broader perspectives on how business can support women leaders.

To register, kindly follow this link. For any questions feel free to contact Mr. Dominic Kotas at [email protected].

Rebuilding Trust in Leadership

11 March, 7:30am to 9:30am

Location: Westin Grand Central Hotel, 212 E 42nd St, New York, NY

This event is hosted by Women Political Leaders (WPL) and EY. Purpose led leadership needs to be the new paradigm, in business as well as political leadership. Today’s leaders need to step up to the challenge, and change their path of power. They are not called to preserve the status quo. The panel discussion on "Rebuilding Trust in Leadership" will address the pressing questions on purpose led leadership that may lead to greater stability and progress for all.

Venue capacity is limited, so please RSVP at your earliest convenience at [email protected]

Tracking the walk: Measuring progress on women's economic empowerment

11 March, 4:45pm to 6:00pm

Location: Express Bar, Conference Building, United Nations HQ

This event is hosted by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Governments of Bangladesh, Namibia, Rwanda, and the United Kingdom. To make progress on SDG 5, we need a better approach to measuring economic empowerment. There is currently no single source that provides quantifiable, measurable, and comparable indicators across countries related to both business and gender. This event will delve into the successes and challenges of new initiatives from governments, international organisations and businesses in tracking progress on the economic empowerment of women.

To register, kindly follow this link. For any question feel free to contact

Closing the Gender Pay Gap

11 March, 6:30pm

Location: UNHQ, Conference Room 7

This event is hosted by the Permanent Mission of Belgium and the ILO. It aims to draw global attention to the issue of the Gender Pay Pap (GPG) and raise awareness of how GPG affects women and their families as well as negatively impacts public finances and fair competition between companies. It will also bring public sector and international organizations to be transparent in this issue and to share experiences and good practices. The event will also feature the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) and its efforts to contribute to the achievement of SDG 8.5.

For any questions feel free to contact Ms. Lisa Wong at [email protected]

Increasing Public and Private Investments for Gender-Responsive Infrastructure and Enterprises

12 March, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Location: Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations, 633 Third Avenue, 29th floor

This event is organized by the Government of Switzerland, UNCDF, UNDP and UN Women within the framework of the CSW 63 and brings together member states and development practitioners to showcase practical experience and good practices from the implementation of the joint Inclusive and Equitable Local Development Programme (IELD), and its application of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Index (WEEI). The event will highlight financing modalities to increase investments locally for gender responsive infrastructure and SMEs. Through practical examples and lessons learnt, the speakers will discuss the importance of gender responsive investments to improve economic opportunities for women. Focusing on SME and infrastructure investments, the discussion will highlight opportunities and existing challenges in increasing public and private resources for women’s economic empowerment in some of the least developed regions around the world.

To register, kindly contact Ms. Christina Verones at [email protected].ch.

How can digital technology support gender equality in the MENA region?

12 March, 1:15pm - 2:45pm

Location: UNHQ, Hall 7

This event is hosted by UNIDO, FAO, UN Women and the Government of Italy. It will showcase how improving women’s access to ICTs, particularly in the MENA region, can boost entrepreneurship and job opportunities, particularly in disadvantaged and remote areas. To this end, it aims to showcase good practices in the area of women accessing technologies, the role of the private sector to improve the overall ecosystem and consequently how digital transformation and technologies can enhance the competitiveness of women entrepreneurs. Speakers will include H.E. Mrs. Basma Mousa Ishaqat, Minister of Social Development of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Vincenzo Spadafora, Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Italy as well as representatives from the UN, the private sector and national counterparts from the region.

To register, kindly contact Ms. Monica Carco at [email protected].

The Future of Women at Work: A road map for gender equality and decent work

12 March, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Location: UNHQ, Conference Room 12

This event is hosted by the Permanent Mission of Sweden and the ILO and will include a presentation of the key findings of the ILO’s newly released ‘The Future of Women at Work’ (to be launched on March, 8th 2019), which will mark the culmination of ILO’s Women at Work Centenary Initiative. Afterwards there will be a panel discussion on policy solutions from countries and organizations that have made significant progress in promoting gender equality at work with focus on the expansion of universal social protection for all, care policies and services as well as decent work for care workers.

To register, kindly follow this link. For any questions feel free to contact Ms. Jessica Pak at [email protected]

CEO Roundtable on Gender Equality in Tech

14 March, 8:00am - 11:00am

Location: Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations, 871 United Nations Plaza

This event is hosted at the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations on behalf of the EQUALS Founding Partners. The EQUALS Founding Partners: ITU, ITC, UNU-CS and GSMA are co-hosting this CEO Round Table on Gender Equality in Tech together with the Male Champion of Change Institute, AccelerateHER, ICC and the Business Council for the United Nations.

To register, kindly contact Ms. Ursula Wynhoven at [email protected].

Please note that this is a closed event.

Infrastructure that Works for Women: Gender Dimensions of Energy and Industry

14 March, 10:00am

Location: UNHQ, Conference Room 12

This event is organized by the Permanent Missions of Finland and Viet Nam, UNIDO and UN Women will feature high-level representatives from Member States, UN and the private sector, who will provide insights on the constraints that need to be addressed and showcase success stories for gender-responsive sustainable infrastructure in energy and industry.

To register, kindly contact Ms. Hiroyuki Ozaki at [email protected]

CEO Roundtable on Gender Equality - Responding to Backlash and Resistance

14 March, 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Location: UNHQ

This event is organized by Male Champions of Change and the UN Global Compact, who will bring together leading CEOs from Australia and around the world to understand and identify ways to address backlash emerging in response to the implementation of diversity initiatives that are aimed at advancing gender equality.
Please note that this is a closed event.

For any questions feel free to contact Ms. Pia Haslauer at [email protected]

Data Driving Action for Women: The Business Case

14 March, 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice, Berta Cáceres Room (10th floor) 320 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017

This event is hosted by BNY Mellon and Data2X's Women’s Financial Inclusion Data Partnership, which is convening the Data Driving Action for Women Roundtable series for financial service providers (FSPs) committed to inclusive finance. The first session, Data Driving Action for Women: The Business Case, will examine how gender data can support FSPs in leveraging the potential of serving women. This invite-only discussion held under Chatham House Rules is an opportunity for senior financial services representatives to share their experiences collecting and using gender data to serve the women’s market.
Please note that this is a closed event.

If you are an Financial Service Provider interested in attending, kindly email Ms.Stephanie Oula at [email protected].

2019 Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Forum

14 March, 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Location: UNHQ, ECOSOC Chamber

This event is organized by UN Women and the UN Global Compact. The Forum will look to the future and consider how the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) can help business, investors, Governments and other stakeholders navigate new opportunities and work collectively to ensure that women help define and benefit from opportunities in the future of work. The Forum will also explore how to maintain momentum on advancing gender equality, accelerate the pace of progress and position responsible businesses to rise to the challenge.

To register, kindly follow this link. For any questions feel free to contact Ms. Pia Haslauer at [email protected].

EQUALS inTech: Taking Stock of the State of Gender Digital Equality – Launch of EQUALS Research Group’s Inaugural Report

15 March, 1:15pm - 2:45pm

Location: Express Bar, GA Building, UN Headquarters

his event is hosted by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations University (UNU) and will mark the main global launch of the EQUALS Inaugural Report. EQUALS is a global partnership to promote gender equality in information and communication technology (ICT) access, skills, and leadership, which was launched in September 2016 and co-founded by ITU, UN Women, UNU, ITC and GSMA. The report provides an assessment of gender equality in access, skills and leadership, and what that means to women and girls around the world. Barriers to gender digital equality and to women's digital skills development are highlighted in the findings. It also reviews the status of sex-disaggregated data on ICT access, skills and leadership. The report also presents contributions from over 20 organizations who are members of the EQUALS Research Group.

To register, kindly follow this link. For any questions feel free to contact Ms. Carla Licciardello at [email protected].

An investor Roadmap for making Investment Gender-Equitable

22 March, 8:00am - 10:30am

Location: The UN Global Compact, 685 Third Avenue, 12th floor, New York, NY 10017

This event is hosted by EQUALS Global Partnership, UN Global Compact and Dalberg Advisors. In this interactive roundtable discussion with asset managers, pension funds, foundations, and GPs, we will discuss and debate key topics related to investing in the tech sector:

To register, kindly follow this link. For any question feel free to contact Ursula Wynhoven at [email protected].