Cleanup Resources

Resources to improve the utilization of campus space

Background image: flying books art installation

Efficiently and effectively utilizing campus space requires the removal of unneeded, obsolete or surplus materials. For departments interested in improving space utilization in this manner, campus service providers are available to assist in the cleanup of space.

Facilities planners are also available to identify areas in buildings that offer opportunities for improved space utilization. For assistance in space planning, space usage improvements or other space-related needs, please send requests to: [email protected].

The operational strategy for the efficient management of space includes:

  • Reducing retention of obsolete records, equipment, furnishings, chemicals, etc.;
  • Minimizing contribution to waste streams through recycling, reuse and proper disposal;
  • Converting paper records to electronic media through imaging storage;
  • Fully implementing campus guidelines for space allocation and utilization;
  • Collaborating with building units and campus service providers to maximize efficiency.