Moving Checklist

Whether you're moving a large group or a small unit,  a proactive, organized approach is key to success. Consider these tips to help ensure a smooth move.

Before the Move

The Move Plan

  • Assign a move coordinator and move team to plan, coordinate, and oversee the move and its aftermath.
  • Have the plan reviewed by your management team on an ongoing basis to ensure it meets the needs of the unit.
  • For large moves, hold at least one "all hands" meeting.

Pre-Move: An Opportunity to Downsize

  • Files: purge, purge, purge. Begin six weeks in advance of the move date. Provide guidance on retention requirements to help staff identify what really needs to be retained and what can be discarded.
  • Establish common areas where employees can drop off unwanted equipment, furniture and office supplies
  • Request cages and salvage pickupsthrough BETS for surplus equipment and furniture.
  • For lab equipment, be sure to follow the EH&S decontamination protocol. Contact EH&S to dispose of unwanted chemicals.

Communicate Early and Often

  • Notify affected employees of move plans and dates as soon as possible. Share information about their new location and new work space set up and include layouts if possible.
  • Provide staff with detailed instructions regarding the move, including their seating assignments and how to pack and/or label their phone, computer, furniture and personal items. Remind staff to refer to these instructions close to the move date.
  • Clarify who is responsible for different aspects of the move, emphasizing what employees themselves are responsible for, and provide clear directions.
  • Let employees know where they will be working on the day of the move.

Engage Campus Service Providers

  • Campus move coordinators should be contacted at least three weeks before the target move date to schedule a 1-3 person move. For larger moves, contact move coordinators 1-2 months in advance to do a walk through of your current space and the new location. Provide your target move date and number of staff involved in the move.
  • Communicate early and often with IS&T and CSS regarding voice, data and computer support to ensure they understand the requirements of the unit and have the appropriate level of staffing to get the unit up and running on move day.
    • Review your existing voice and data in the planning phase. This will give you the opportunity to improve workflow and delete unnecessary lines.
    • Review your computer support needs with CSS. For data activation, confirm if staff are on static or roaming IP addresses.
    • Submit your request for voice and data at least 4 weeks in advance for larger moves.
  • Submit your key request to UCPD 4-6 weeks in advance of the move.

Assess and Address Furniture Issues Well in Advance

  • When planning the layout, take the opportunity to think creatively to maximize space.
  • If you're moving your current furniture:
    • Ensure any furniture or equipment specific to an employee's work needs is moved to their new location.
    • Measure workstation heights, keyboard heights and knee clearance to replicate setups at the new location.
    • Ensure that special requirements needed for disabled employees, such as wheelchair access, hearing or sight impairment, are identified and planned for.
  • If you're using furniture that's already at the new location, have your workstation evaluator(s) assess the new furniture to identify any ergonomic considerations that should be addressed prior to the move.
    • Contact Ergonomics@Work for consultation with specific issues or concerns.
  • If you're refitting the new space, consider reused furniture. There are many vendors that provide high quality used office solutions that reduce costs and support the campus' sustainability efforts.

On Moving Day

Ensure that furniture and equipment is installed safely and appropriately

  • Have a clearly identified point person to coordinate with the movers, computer support and voice technicians on the day of the move.
  • Make sure everything is clearly labeled – this tells the movers whether items are moving, staying or going to surplus.
  • Post room layout diagrams on office doors to ensure movers know where to place furniture.
  • Be sure work surfaces are installed according to previously identified workstation height measurements. Make sure that cabinets and bookcases over 4' in height are seismically secured.

After the Move

Identify and address additional needs

  • Staff may identify additional unneeded items as they unpack. Again, establish common areas where they can drop off unwanted equipment, furinture, supplies and moving boxes to be reused or picked up by campus movers.
  • Create a checklist of issues identified during the move that require follow-up – for movers, voice/data, and minor fixes or modifications to the physical environment.
  • Allot time for workstation evaluations after the move.