
Ælfwine Akeworthe

From EastKingdomWiki

Civilian Attire
Resides: Barony of the Bridge
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Aelfwine Arms.png
Argent, an oak leaf vert and a bordure vert semy of acorns Or.
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Queen's Order of Courtesy Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant Marksman Companion of the Order of the Pillar Order of the Ram's Horn, Barony of Concordia of the Snows Order of the Sapphire, Barony of Concordia of the Snows
Knight Marshal Fencing Marshal Exchequer Chronicler Webminister


I attended my first event shortly after I turned 21 which was a weekly fight practice in the Shire of Seareach in the Kingdom of Atlantia. It was the weekend before Thanksgiving, and when I attended my second practice, two weeks later, I had full body and limb armor that I had made and was ready to fight. The armor and my fighting were terrible, but we have grown better together over the years. I attended Sea-Raids and met King Ruslan of the East. When my business in Atlantia was completed, I moved back home to Concordia of the Snows and became very active for many years. As Elspeth Starwatcher would say, "I have certain fond memories." I met my wife Vitalia la Soleil at a local event in Concordia, and together we moved to the Kingdom of Atlantia for a while. Our child Fiammetta di Terra del Sole was born and shortly after, we traveled to Trimaris for University studies. Many years later we have finally returned to the East and settled in the Barony of the Bridge.


Lord Ælfwine is a Saxon Lord in the year 1067. He fought in support of King Edward the Confessor in Southampton in 1036 and became one of his men when he ascended to the throne back in 1043. He considers this time of restoring Saxon control after years of Danish rule of England to be a great act that he aided in. Now in the midst of the succession debacle that toppled Harald Godwinson, he anachronistically participates in Norman heraldic and tournament traditions to keep what is left of his lands and influence so that he can continue to speak for the populace that he has been entrusted to serve. Despite his dissatisfaction with the foreign rule, he is a staunch monarchist and believes in the power and also the benevolence of the Crown. He has been awarded the Queen's Order of Courtesy which is his most prized recognition.

In Armor

This is what I look like on the field
This is what I look like on the field. I'm always happier on the field.

Offices & Positions

Chronicler, Concordia of the Snows, 09/1994 - 08/1996
Fencing Marshal, Concordia of the Snows, 1993 - 1996
Kingdom Webminister, East Kingdom, 1996
Baronial Rattan Champion, Concordia of the Snows, 1998
Queen's Guard, Marieke II, Sep AS XXXIV (1999) - Apr AS XXXIV (2000)
Captain Queen's Guard, Roxanne, Apr AS XXXVI (2002) - Sep AS XXXVII (2002)
Queen's Guard, Roxanne II, Apr AS XXXVII (2003) - Sep AS XXXVIII (2003)
Holder of the Shield of Chivalry from Spring Crown 5/3/2003
Unbelted Champions, East Kingdom, Pennsic 2002
Unbelted Champions, East Kingdom, Pennsic 2003
Unbelted Champions, East Kingdom, Pennsic 2004
Deputy Webminister, Barony of the Bridge, 1/1/2020 - 1/12/2022
Exchequer, Barony of the Bridge, 10/6/2020 - Present
Captain of the King Consort's Guard, Emerson, Apr AS LVIII (2024) - Sep AS LIX (2024)
Since Jan 2020, Hosting Weekly Fight Practice Tuesdays 6pm-10ish in Hope Valley, RI
We have loaner armor so come on down and do some fighting!


Man-at-Arms to Mathgamain O'Brien, Squire to Sir Kai de Ravenglas, Oct 1993 - 12/30/1995
Man-at-Arms to Sir Mathgamain O'Brien 12/30/1995 - 1998
Squire to Sir Mathgamain O'Brien, 1998 - 1/27/2024
Squire to Duke Edward Grey of Lochleven, 1/27/2024 - Present

Tournament Accolades

Machiavellian Tourney - Winner - ~2000
Crown Tournament Feeder - Advanced to round of 16 - 2021
Really Good Round against Master Dmitri - Second Place - 2021
Tournament of the Daffodils V - Winner - 2022
War of Roses Tournament - Winner - 2022

Event Staff

Autocrat, War of the Roses XV, 05/29/1995
Co-Autocrat, War of the Pearls I, 06/12/2021

Projects & Publications

Concordia Pursuivant Tabard, Modern methods, period output, 1993
Concordian Lashed Wood Front Gate, Pennsic 1994
Huge Geteld based on illustrations, 2000
Handmade arrows of ash with Goose fletching
Very Late Period English fencing armor
Saxon shoes from a York archaeological find
Refinishing of East Kingdom Oak Thrones for Brennan and Caoilfhionn
Thorsbjerg Trousers in broken diamond twill wool hand sewn
<In Progress> Bayeux Quiver from observation
<In Progress> Elm short bow with proud knots

Observations So Far

  • The best Scadians are the ones that have some other hobby as well.
  • Everything used to hurt less.