
Arturus of Aranmore

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Sir Arturus 2015.jpeg
Sir Arturus, Count of Aranmore
Resides: Province of Malagentia
Status: Not Quite Dead Yet ...
Awards: Order of Precedence
These are the registered arms of Count Sir Arturus, head of House Aranmore
Award & Office Badges


Sir Arturus, Count of Aranmore,(known in past times as Syr Arlof O'Donovae of Aranmor), began his SCA adventures in Malagentia whence he was one of the founding members of this group, and fought alongside his Northern Army comrades for many years. It was Lord Arlof, as he was then known, who, with friend Malachi Veasslurd, initiated the first Great Northeastern War (GNEW) by declaring war upon the shire of Seashire, for a trifling slight to his lady of ancient legend, the great and glorious Queen Kunnegunda. For this challenge, half in jest, a decades-long tradition of merry warfare has ensued.

Sir Arturus, Count of Aranmore, traveled for some years to the sea-rimmed Kingdom of Trimaris, where he still holds a place in his heart for his dear friends of that mystical kingdom, including his long lost brothers of House Blacksword, and their dauntless leader, Earl Sir Seosaidgh. On or about 20 years ago, Arturus returned to the East, to his home province of Malagentia.

Martial Deeds

Syr Arturus won many tournaments during his early career, fighting primarily with two swords, but also with sword and shield and greatsword. He is perhaps best remembered for a few feats of notoriety: beginning when he defeated the five champions of Seashire in the first war between Malagentia and their northern neighbors. On another occasion, he won the "Last Man Standing" melee at Gatalop, armed with a spear, defeating Duke Baldar of Trimaris (armed with sword and shield, and perhaps overly courteous!) at the end. As king of Trimaris, he led the kingdom to victory over the combined might of Atlantia and Meridies, (without losing a single skirmish) at Fools War III. He also handed the East Kingdom a rare defeat in the woods battle at Pennsic, when he led the Midrealm and allied army for that battle.

Known to this day for his exploits, martial and theatrical, especially with his good and loyal friend Duke Sir Merowald, he continues to explore new adventures in many kingdoms with his fair and talented lady, Mistress Ellice de Valles. Of late, Sir Arturus assisted Mistress Ellice in her construction of an authentic medieval pleasure garden, in this, our current middle ages.


Sir Arturus resides in the Loire Valley region of France. Born in England in about 1305, he remains loyal to King Edward III, and has served in many campaigns, since about 1350, but is currently "between wars" and enjoying a pastoral life with his lady, Mistress Baroness Ellice de Valles. He has undertaken, in his leisure, better mastery of the French language, wood carving, and the creation of architectural wonders. He has also, upon occasion, taken quill to paper to write songs for public performance, most of them in the mood lifting vein. For example, he and his friend Goerij performed for the Queen of the East at the recent Crown Tournament of the East - to, errr, inspire the fighters.

Projects & Publications

  • Founder of the Known World Architectural Guild, you may recognize the stamp of Sir Arturus on many of the architectural wonders of past years seen at Pennsic, including the Nave of Chartres Cathedral (in the barn, for a performance of the Known World Choir:, the Cadbury Camp Gate reconstruction, the White Horse of Uffington placed on the hillside above the Serengeti, and the Welsh Stone Cottage.
  • Sir Arturus published "Sacred Spaces" newsletter for a few years, detailing medieval reconstruction projects. You can download all 12 issues, plus many issues from a related publication "Early Period" on his House Aranmore Website.
House Aranmore's Fighting Contingent


  • 13 July 2019 - Order of the Tyger's Combatant (East)
  • 14 March 2018 - Companion of the Order of the Maunche (East)
  • 10 July 2015 – King’s Order of Excellence (East)
  • 20 July 1996 – Companion of the Troubadour (East)
  • 18 January 1992 – Order of the Bards Laureate (Masque) (Trimaris)
  • 01 September 1990 – Count (Trimaris)
  • 11 November 1989 – Order of Chivalry
  • 13 May 1989 – Argent Morningstar (Trimaris OTC Equivalent)
  • 20 June 1987 – Award of Arms
Arturus, Ellice and Friends
A Knight's True Love

More Information

Sir Arturus and Master Geoffrey on the cover of TI, as depicted by Holly Bird
Sir Arturus at GNEW 2015
Count Arturus and Baroness Ellice de Valles at a 14th Century Pennsic dinner
Sir Arturus and Baroness Ellice Defend the Bridge
Replica 13th Century Armor Trunks Made and Carved by Sir Arturus
Our Cover Photo from an Interview at Pennsic in 2015
Cadbury Camp Reconstruction at Pennsic by Sir Arturus and Master Geoffrey
Sir Arturus, with help from many others, installed this 200-yard long replica of the White Horse of Uffington on the Pennsic Battlefield Hill
The Chartres Project, led by Sir Arturus as part of the Known World Architectural Guild, converted the Pennsic Barn into the nave of Chartres Cathedral, with a dozen 12-ft tall stained glass windows, columns, statuary, lighting and magic. Many artists, include Thomas De Winterwade contributed. Video of the event is at
Reconstruction of a Welsch Cottage by Sir Arturus, transported to Pennsic War
Sir Arturus at Gulf Wars, in Arthurian gold scale armor
The first Fools Parade at Pennsic, organized by Sir Arturus and Sir Merowald
Frequent performers, Sir Arturus often teams up with his partner in Comedy, Sir Merowald, in this case as the knuckleheaded Throg and his father.
Fighting at Bicoline
These naval boats were commissioned by Sir Arturus for use at Pennsic
The sturdy warriors of House Aranmore
Old friend Master Feral, in better times
Mistress Ellice de Valle of House Aranmore

The reign of Sir Arturus (then Syr Arlof) is remembered in the annals of Trimaris History as follows for the eventful reign of he and his then lady Hilary.

Crown 10: The Tale of King Arlof and Queen Hilary

Following the reign of Llewellyn and Elena, an omen appeared in the sky, in the form of a triskele shaped cloud. It was then that Prince Arlof (later known as Sir Arturus, Count of Aranmore) and Princess Hilary appeared, mounted on a horse clad in knotwork barding. The figure of death appeared, and Arlof rode to do battle with him. Only later that day did he return, to claim the throne for he and his lady.

In this ancient reign, set in the year 500, the presence of druids, romans and bards was ever present. Early on, their majesties were threatened with a druidic prophecy. But first came many great deeds, including the building of the Cadbury Camp Fort Reconstruction at Pennsic, the launch of the Royal Trimarian Navy, The Founding of the Fools Parade at Pennsic, and not least, a stunning victory over the combined might of Atlantia and Meridies at Fools War III. At Pennsic, the King sided with the outnumbered Midrealm, and he and his knights delivered a victory in the woods battle over the Eastern kingdom.

Arlof and Hilary are perhaps best remembered for the method of their passing. To protect them, their noble fool, Harry Pudding, drank poison intended for King Arlof. As he died, Arlof followed the druid into the otherworld, then stopped to sing of love to his lady, who joined him. Many tears were shed.

This poem was written by the bards of Trimaris, to commemorate their passing:

Softly to the sound of the harp and the lyre
came the warrior-bard King Arlof
and much joy brought he in song and merriment.
Loved was he, uncommon for kings
but not for bards.
Yet he was a dread lord of war when stirred to wrath.
He humbled the kings of Meridies and Atlantia when outnumbered,
and even stole victory from sure defeat
by bearding the Eastern King in northern lands.
He gave his life for the land and it bears his mark.
And Hilary was his queen.
And Arlof sleeps in Avalon’s mists.

— Chronicles of Trimaris, "Historical Archive"[1]

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