
Didius Alanus Secundus

From EastKingdomWiki

Didius at Huntsmans Harvest.jpg
Didius at Huntsman's Harvest
Resides: Beyond the Mountain & L'ile du Dragon Dormant
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
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Heraldry Needed
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Tygers Cub Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Silver Tyger


Didius was born to Master Allyn Min Teanga and Mistress Randall Vihari Farkas. He is brother to Erzsébet Csesztvei. He began his life in the Society at birth, and continues to participate with enthusiasm. He is sworn in fealty as a squire to Master Allyn.


Didius Alanus Secundus is the son of a Patrician, on assignment in Roman Britain in roughly the 200’s AD. He resides at Vindolanda as an officer in the fort’s garrison.

Offices & Positions

Event Staff

  • TBD


  • Squire to Allyn Min Teanga

In Case of Court

I would prefer to be surprised. Please Coordinate with Mistress Randall Vihari Farkas, Master Allyn Min Teanga, or Erzebet Csesztvei. Pronouns are He/Him.

More Information