

From EastKingdomWiki

Barony of Endewearde
Endewearde heraldry.gif
Gyronny of sixteen sable and Or, a tower argent charged with a laurel wreath vert, all within an orle argent
Founded: November 1987
Location: Central Maine

The Barony of Endewearde is located geographically in the center of the East Kingdom. In terms of land, it is the largest branch within the East Kingdom, covering about two thirds of the State of Maine. It is bordered by Malagentia, Smithwick, Lyndhaven, Stonemarche, and the Atlantic Ocean.



Meaning: "End of the Ward." When Endewearde was established, the shire was on the north eastern boundary of the East Kingdom. Today, Endewearde is the geographic center of the East Kingdom. It is often lovingly referenced as the "End of the World" by its residents.

Established: After several years as an "incipient" shire, Endewearde was formally established as a shire in November 1987. In January 2013, Endewearde was declared a barony by approval of the BOD. The founding Baron and Baroness are Ane' and Sylvia du Vey.

Blazon: Gyronny of sixteen sable and Or, a tower argent charged with a laurel wreath vert, all within an orle argent

Heraldic officer's title: Heppin Pursuivant

Newsletter: The Northern Watch

Fencing Unit(s): North Guard, Jehan's Fencibles

Archery Company: North Tower Archery Company

Infantry: North Tower Infantry

Barons and Baronesses of Endewearde

The Baronage of Endewearde

Baronial Orders

  • Order of the Keystone of Endewearde - Given to those showing exemplary service to the Barony.
  • Order of the Beacon of Endewearde - Given to those showing exemplary skill in Arts & Sciences.
  • Order of the Portcullis of Endewearde - Given to those showing exceptional martial prowess.

(See the Award Templates List for images and code for linking to your EK Wiki page)

More Information

Eastern Territories
Crown Principalities/Regions: Tir Mara, Northern Region, Central Region, Southern Region
Baronies/Provinces: Østgarðr, An Dubhaigeainn, Bergental, Beyond the Mountain, Bhakail, Bridge, Buckland Cross, Carillion, Carolingia, Concordia of the Snows, Dragonship Haven, Endewearde, Havre des Glaces, Iron Bog, L'ile du Dragon Dormant, Malagentia, Ruantallan, Settmour Swamp, Smoking Rocks, Stonemarche
Shires: Anglespur, Ar n-Eilean-ne, Avonmore, Barren Sands, Blak Rose, Bois Ardent, Caer Adamant, Coill Tuar, Coldwood, Eisental, Frosted Hills, Glenn Linn, Hadchester, Hartshorn-dale, La Selve d'Aure, Lyndhaven, Midland Vale, Montevale, Mountain Freehold, Nordenhalle, Northern Outpost, Old Stonebridges, Owlsherst, Panther Vale, Quintavia, Rusted Woodlands, Smithwick, Wyndhame
Cantons/Ridings: Appleholm, Aschehyrst, Black Icorndall, Bowman's Rest, Brokenbridge, Distant Shore, Dragon Forge, Dragon's Aerie, Fennbrycg, Forestgate, Gryphonwald, Hawkes Reache, Ivyeinrust, Keep by the Endless Sea, Lions End, Marwick, Northpass, Ravenhill, Sea Tyger's Rhyn, Seashire, Towers, Wyndriche, Ynys Y Gwaun
Other Information: Former Territories, Kingdoms