
Estgar æt Hrofecaestre

From EastKingdomWiki

Master Estgar æt Hrofecaestre, known also as Angus Pembridge. Photo by Cateline la Broderesse.
Resides: Concordia of the Snows
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Or, a spear sable
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Laurel Companion of the Order of the Pelican Companion of the Order of the Maunche Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Troubadour Award of Arms Chivalry CourtBarony Queen's Order of Courtesy Tyger of the East Order of the Ram's Horn, Barony of Concordia of the Snows


Master Estgar æt Hrofecaestre, known also as Angus Pembridge (formerly Kerr) was introduced to the SCA in the winter of 1993, yet did not make it to an event until Fall Crown Tournament in 1996. He has resided continually in the East Kingdom since then. He served as the Fourth Baron of Concordia of the Snows, ruling singly after Her Excellency Laurencia of Carlisle abdicated on August 1, 2007.

In 2009, at the War of Roses in Concordia, he was inducted into the Order of the Laurel for his mastery of medieval timber framing and wattle-and-daub construction. His expanded arts include woodworking, lampwork bead making, and historic cookery. He was inducted into the Order of the Pelican in 2018 at the Last Court of Ivan and Matilde for his continual service to the East Kingdom and to the Society in his service as Pennsic War staff. Estgar was inducted into the Order of the Chivalry at Pennsic 49 by Ryouko'Jin and Indrakshi.

He is a Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant, Maunche, and Silver Crescent. He also proudly holds membership in the King's Order of Excellence.

Baron Pembridge is a founder of an early historic camping household and was formerly the Head of Clan Kerr of the East and Head of Nafferton Manor, a household within the East Kingdom that attempted to recreate an English Household of 1380. He was a long-time Companion of the Company of Saint Michael, a 14th Century Tournament Company.


Angus Pembridge (Kerr) was born west of Ferniehurst in Scotland in 1340. The third son of the Chieftain, he was destined to serve the Church, which he patently refused. In 1348 when the Great Mortality struck, he saw firsthand the capriciousness of fate. He refused the education offered, and at the age of thirteen left home to find what lay south of the Border. There he met and married an English woman, who would later succumb to the Mortality. It was during these years that he enlisted in the service of Edward III, and his son Edward of Woodstock, by way of an Irish knight. He first came to the attention of Edward of Woodstock at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356. Afterwards, he did many years good service in the retinue of Edward, eventually being made Baron and Lord of Nafferton, a small manor in Yorkshire. He currently is active in Gascony, having made a good living there, selling his sword to those who can pay in times of peace, and always serving his King in times of war.

Angus spends his time studying the agricultural and construction techniques of the 14th Century. He has spent many years as a beekeeper, and was given the bestowed title of Warden of the East Kingdom Bee Preserve during the second reign of Dutchess Avelina and Duke Kenric. His main passions these days are timber framing and gardening.

Angus spends most of his time these days as part of an Anglo-Saxon recreation society, where he is known as Estgar æt Hrofecaestre - the East-Spear.


  • Apprentices:
  • Protégés:
  • Squires:

Offices & Positions

Event Staff

  • Land 3 (Deputy in charge of Building and Construction), Pennsic 37 and 38
  • Autocrat, Bjorn's Ceilidh, 11/15/2008
  • Autocrat, War of Roses,
  • Autocrat, Kings and Queens Bardic Championship, 01/24/2009

Other Service

Awards & Honors
