
Golden Lyre

From EastKingdomWiki

Golden Lyre.png
(Fieldless) A tyger rampant azure sustaining a lyre Or.
Award Information
Type: Other Award
Founded: 09/29/2002 by Andreas II and Isabella II
Premiere(s): Alisay de Falaise
Recipients: Companions of the Golden Lyre

Given to an individual or group whose single work or performance, either displayed publicly or in an arts & sciences display at a Royal Progress, in The Crown's sole opinion and discretion, manifests and represents the fire and passion of the East Kingdom arts. The basis for bestowing the Award of the Golden Lyre will rely on the artistic use of period mediums, creativity, and/or inspirational value of the work or performance. The work or performance may be a work in progress. Documentation is not required, but is highly recommended. Individuals/groups can receive the award more than once during a reign, but not for the same work or performance. The Award of the Golden Lyre may be awarded by the King or Queen, together or individually.


The Award of the Golden Lyre was established April 26 A.S. 37, 2003, by Darius II and Roxane II; renamed January 25 A.S. 42, 2008, by Andreas III and Gabriella; and renamed January 25 A.S. 49, 2015, by Edward III and Thyra II.

The Award of the Golden Lyre includes all gentles who were previously awarded with the Gift of the Golden Lyre and the Gift of the Golden Tyger.


The badge of the Award of the Golden Lyre is: A tyger rampant azure sustaining a lyre, Or. A token bearing this badge may be given personally or placed with such meritorious work.

More Information

Awards of the East Kingdom
Society Awards: Award of Arms, Grant of Arms, Court Barony, Chivalry, Laurel, Pelican, Defense, Royal Peerage, Rose

Armigerous Orders: Silver Rapier, Silver Tyger, Silver Brooch, Apollo's Arrow, Silver Wheel, Silver Mantle
Orders of High Merit: Golden Lance, Golden Mantle, Golden Rapier, Maunche, Sagittarius, Silver Crescent, Tygers Combattant
Orders of Honor: Gawain, Sovereign's Order of Excellence, Consort's Order of Courtesy, Tyger's Cub, Terpsichore, Troubadours, Tyger of the East, Order of Gilder
Other Awards: Burdened Tyger, Augmentation of Arms, Blue Tyger Legion, Company of Morpheus, Company of the Pennon of the East, Golden Lyre, Rabbit in the Moon, Sovereign's Cypher, Sovereign's Award of Esteem, Order of Valor of the East, Consort's Cypher, Consort's Award of Esteem, Company of Fellowship, Durga, Anansi's Web
Closed: Artemis, Fatima, Guardsman, Pheon
Other Information: Customs & Traditions