
Harvest Moon Shoot

From EastKingdomWiki

Archery Line 2016 by Lasair An Dunaidh
Location: Malagentia
Date: September


Harvest Moon Shoot was first run in the early 90's as a day of archery and fun. It was run in 2011 with King and Queen's Equestrian Championships and then was not run for a few years. It was brought back in 2013 as a Provincial Championship for Archery. Since then, Harvest Moon Shoot has become an event to celebrate the best of Malagentia and to determine Provincial Champions and give out Provincial Honors.


  • Championships for Archery, Heavy List, Rapier, A&S, Thrown Weapons and Bardic
  • Usually combines with Fall Tyger and Bucket Tavern
  • Usually held at Hebron Pines Campground (the site of GNEW) and has camping available for hearty souls.

Past Autocrats


  • memories from individual people, can also be formal event reports. (This sub header should always be included so that people are prompted to leave their memories).


Events of the East Kingdom
Events: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s

Event Types: Tournament, War, University, Court, Coronation, Arts & Sciences Competition