

Help:Populace Member Pages

From EastKingdomWiki


Your Populace Member page is yours to customize as you'd like. When a new member page is created, it can have the Populace Member "boilerplate" inserted with suggested sections/layout to get you started.

This help document provides more detail on (some of) the sections within the Populace boilerplate.

Helping Your Heralds & Scribes

When an individual is selected to receive an award, multiple people will visit the individual's Wiki page to help them plan not only the making of the scroll, but how it is presented.

The Heralds may look for:

  • Name pronunciation
  • Pronouns
  • Preferences regarding surprise, advance summons, etc
  • Who should be contacted ahead of time
  • Which events the individual is likely to attend

The Scribal team may look for:

  • Color preferences
  • Personal heraldry
  • Personal interests & themes
  • Persona place & time
  • Whether the individual has a favorite scribal style or favorite piece of extant scribal art

Including this information in your member page does not guarantee you a specific scroll design. You're providing advice, not creative direction.