
Heraldic Boast for Carolingia's 50th Anniversary

From EastKingdomWiki

Morning Court

Oye! Oye! Oye!
People of the East!
We stand now at the turning of the page
An era has passed; an era now begins
We come together in celebration and in joy

Any herald could not help but be overwhelmed by such portents
He must cry out: Hail Carolingia! Hail The East!

And here, to usher in such felicities
Their Excellencies
Barone Frithuric Ulman
Baronessa Fiore Leonetta Bardi

As we embark on this day of remembrance and new adventures
Let them lead us in jubilation

We fix ourselves to their overture
As a ship steers to the North Star
We raise a glass to their welcome embrace
As though drinking deep of the Tuscan summer

I give you, our Baronial court
Their Excellencies Carolingia!

Evening Court

Oye! Oye! Oye!
Your Majesties, Your Highnesses,
People of the East!

I call to you now, as a proud voice for our beloved Barony
This beacon of the East
This storied institution
This land between the rivers - Carolingia!

Do you hear the weight of history in that word?
Do you hear the multitudes, across the Knowne World, crying out
"Carolingia Status Mentis Est!"

We stand here today, at Their Majesties' Eastern Shore
Their Oldest Barony
Founded in the Year of the Society... 5
If that word beats within your heart, cry it again with me now
Carolingia! Carolingia!

Entering your court now, Your Majesties, are your stewards of this great land
The 8th to bear the title of Baron of Carolingia
A Commodoro of the mighty Eastern Ocean
A powerful voice across the vastness of the waves
Barone Frithuric Ulman

With him, our delight, the 6th to bear the title of Baroness of Carolingia
The Phoenix of Florence
Who wields needles and thread in defense of our Kingdom's glorious beauty
Baronessa Fiore Leonetta Bardi

And of course, standing proud beneath your banners
The people of Carolingia
Who come here today to reaffirm the greatness of the East
Carolingians, rise! If this Barony rings within your heart, rise!
If Carolingia is the state of your mind, rise and say its name with me thrice!
Carolingia! Carolingia! Carolingia!

Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, People of the East
I give you, the Barone and Baronessa of Carolingia, and their Populace
The blue and gold rivers of the East!