
Heraldic Boast for Cathain Reiter's Laurel

From EastKingdomWiki

Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, Your Graces, gathered gentles all,
I call for your gaze!

For here, upon this glor'ius court
Shines a beacon of Teutonic excellence!

Through the thunderous hooves of destiny
Does her entrance upon these presents herald
Through wielded needle and deadly crossbow
Must we witness her deeds and account!

Comes now Lady Cathain Reiter
A Master Bowman
An archer of the Order of Sagittarius
A rider of the Order of the Silver Mantle
An artist of the Order of the Maunche

Gold and silver, at her call, swim upon a river of linen!
Wool and silk, upon her beckon, transform into a vision of Alpine splendor!

Toward our wondering eyes, she nears to answer a call
Bend your eyes and ears to her grandeur
And savor that you were blessed to be present upon this day.