
Heraldic Boast for Ysabel da Costa's Laurel

From EastKingdomWiki

Your Majesties! Your Highnesses! People of the East!
Bear witness as a Muse of Music and Beauty enters your presence

See now!
Ysabel da Costa
She gazes out from her Portguese villa upon the azure glow of the Atlantic Ocean
Her instruments and craftwork surround her
Viola da gamba, lute, guitar
Embroidery, fabric work, dyes
Waiting for her husband to return
from the far-off eastern trade routes

See now!
Lilavati Datta
Daughter of Bengal
Mistress of her household
Skilled embroiderer of an ancient art
Artisan of an enlightening herbal remedy
She also waits for her husband to return,
this time from his home in Portugal

See these two incredible women combine
in the form of one majestic daughter of the East!
They shared not only a husband,
but this avatar of their lives who stands before you
This fountain of music and art
Joy and kindness
A chronicler of lives and of living

Your Majesties, it is my honor to present to you
Ysabel da Costa and Lilavati Datta
Artisan of the East!