
House Carpathia

From EastKingdomWiki

Carpathia at 100 Minutes War 2021
Founded: 2015
Status: Active
Award Badges
Blue Tyger Legion


House Carpathia is a young and upcoming household in the SCA dedicated to revitalizing the society. The house prides itself on creating a positive environment and a good atmosphere for new players to grow in. Carpathia has sworn loyalty to the East Kingdom but also has members in Atlantia. Many of their members fight on the battlefield under the Banner of the Black Lance Alliance with Sir Klaus, leader and Founder of the house, in command. We have members involved in Heavy Combat, Thrown Weapons, Service, and the Arts.

House Carpathia at Pennsic 2023 House Carpathia and friends traveling back from the Pennsic Woods Battle 2023


House Carpathia was founded in 2015 by Sir Klaus Winterhalter von Walachey, Baroness Anastasia Kurt-Kalbi and Lord Jasper Emre. Baron Lawrence Vaughan claims the honor of First Sworn. Since then they have curated a steady and healthy growth of new members.

Carpathia University 2018


Dread Lord: Sir Klaus Winterhalter von Walachey

Dread Lady: Baroness Anastasia Kurt-Kalbi

Seneschal: Jasper Emre

Quartermaster: Baron Lawrence Vaughan

Line Sergeant: Sir Guillaume Du Chantier

Field Marshal: Declán mac Aodhagáin

Staff Sergeant: Ezra Di Bazzi



Awards and Honors

Eastern Awards: Members of House Carpathia have received many awards for prowess in both fighting and service. Carpathia is heavily involved with the Black Lance of the Southern Army, which led by Dread Lord Sir Klaus earned the Blue Tyger Legion award upon the decisive victory of the Bridge Battle at Pennsic XLIX. Carpathians such as Renn, Thanatos, Guillame, Lawrence, Thaddeus, Malcolm, and Gilbert have all become Baronial Champions in dedication and service to their local and abroad groups, using their station to maintain the honorable legacy of the East Kingdom.

Out of Kingdom Awards: House Carpathia is a multi-kingdom household, with active members in both the East Kingdom and Atlantia. Multiple members have received awards from Atlantia, such as the Award of the Shark's Tooth. The members of the household are versatile and dedicated to their respective paths of art, combat, and service in these kingdoms.