
House Knotty Snake

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House KnottySnake at Panteria 2022
Founded: 2005
Status: Active
Per pale azure and argent, a snake nowed in a Cavendish knot palewise and in chief a mullet argent
Award Badges


House Knotty Snake (House of the Knot and Snake) located in the Riding of Ravensbridge, Province of Malagentia, Northern Region, East Kingdom.


Founded in the Province of Malagentia in 2005.



Talk to Head of House, Magnus Morty, to find out requirements for Household membership.

More Information

The House of the Knot and Snake is located on the shores of Ireland. An Inn ready to feed and shelter the weary traveler.

In the SCA this house can't help but perform a service at nearly every event they attend. For many years their members have sat at GNEW gate on Friday night, greeting friends and checking them in. Head of House, Magnus Morty started the Largesse challenge at GNEW, collecting and presenting many wonderful gifts to their Majesties of the East. They are typically found at the set up & tear down of local events. There is likely a member or two on staff for local events. Even when expecting a low key event the members will jump in to retain, cook or assistant in any way they are needed.

Most of our members are currently officers in the Riding of Ravensbridge / Province of Malagentia. Some of our members also hold East Kingdom officer positions.

If you are ever at an event and need an extra hand, food, drink, or anything else, look for the White Cavendish Snake on a blue background and House KnottySnake will help get it done.