
Lawrence Thornguard

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Caption Needed
Resides: Barony of Iron Bog
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Device needed.jpg
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the PelicanCourtBaronyCompanion of the Order of the Silver CrescentCompanion of the Order of the Silver RapierCompanion of the Order of the Golden Rapier

Order of the Silver GauntletOrder of the Sable Martlet

Member of the Tadcaster Militia


Title Name. SCA Biography. Selected Awards (the Wiki is not the place to do a full awards list).


Describe your persona and persona history (as much as you wish)

Offices & Positions

  • 1986 to 1987 Shire of Iron Bog – Knight Marshal
  • 1991 to 1993 East Kingdom Deputy Seneschal I was the drop-dead deputy for Duchess Sedalia, who was the East Kingdom Seneschal. I was also responsible for special projects.
  • 1993 to 1994 East Kingdom Seneschal - Appointed to replace Duchess Sedalia McNare in order to for her to become the first Society Seneschal. During my term, I created uniform reporting forms and procedures for the regional and local seneschals.
  • 1998 to 1999 East Kingdom Seneschal- During that Pennsic War we had the first death on site. I worked with local law enforcement during the initial investigation. Further, I met with witness, SCA officers and the decedent’s family. I created the Lesser Kingdom Office of Kingdom Chancellor, which was the Legal Advisor to the Crown and Kingdom Officers. This office was eventually dissolved by the Society President and the Board of Directors.
  • 1999 to 2002 East Kingdom Chancellor– I was the first Legal Advisor to the Crown and Kingdom Officers. I dealt with multiple legal issues affecting to the East Kingdom, including contract issues between the East Kingdom, The Mid-Realm, Kingdom of Aethelmarc and Coopers Lake Campground. I drafted the first contact between the Coopers and the SCA for Pennsic War.
  • 2001 to 2003 Shire of Iron Bog – Knight Marshal
  • 2005 to 2009 East Kingdom Chancellor – I was the Legal Advisor to the Crown and the East Kingdom Officers. I drafted Section XI of East Kingdom Law with the Kingdom Seneschal, and The Royalty to compel the SCA Board of Directors to require background checks for all officers working with minors. This law resulted in the change of SCA policy, which now requires background checks for all individuals warranted to conduct activities involving minors
  • 2006 to 2009 Founding Baron of the Barony of Iron Bog I reigned as the Founding Baron for three years with Baroness Katherine Barr and did not seek a second term. I helped create the original baronial awards and the Baronial Charter.
  • 2011 to 2016 East Kingdom Representative to the Grand Counsel. Represented the East Kingdom as their voting member of the SCA's Grand Counsel until the counsel was dissolved by the Board of Directors.
  • 2018 Rapier Marshal for the Shire of Barren Sands. I had been an authorized rapier marshal since 2014. I make it a point to work marshal’s point or marshal at least one battle at each Pennsic War.
  • 2022 - 2023 Baronial Herald for the Barony of Iron Bog. I was appointed by their Excellencies of Iron Bog at River Wars when the prior baronial herald unexpectedly had to leave. I was then confirmed at the next barony meeting as Baronial Herald through 2024.


  • 1999 – 2000 Commander of the Iron Garde, for the Shire of Iron Bog. I commanded a group of 12 rattan fighters at 2 Pennsic Wars.
  • 1999 and 2001 Shire of Iron Bog – Shire’s Rattan Weapon’s Champion
  • 2000 – 2002 Commander of the Black Lance of the East Kingdom Southern Rattan Army. I commanded a group of 40 fighters as one of three lances of the Southern Army at 2 Pennsic Wars and 2 Kingdom Crusades.
  • 2002 – 2004 Lt. General of the Southern Rattan Army of the East. I was Duke Tim’s Executive Officer for Pennsic War and Kingdom Crusades. I was the field commander for one victorious field battles at Pennsic. I came up with the strategy and commanded the entire Eastern Army for broken field battle at Kingdom Crusades in 2006.
  • 2004 - 2006 General of the Southern Rattan Army of the East. I commanded an army of 120 heavy fighters composed of the territorial groups and major households of East Kingdom’s Southern Region for two Pennsic Wars and two Kingdom Crusades. I was the first non-chivalric fighter to ever hold the post of General of an East Kingdom Army.
  • 2015 - 2016 Barony of Iron Bog - Baronial Rapier Champion
  • 2015 General of the Southern Rapier Army of the East. I organized regional practices, attending planning and strategy meetings of the EK Rapier Army. I trained rapier fighters in basic melee tactics and commanded the Southern Rapier Army at Pennsic War.
  • 2017 – 2018 Rapier Field Commander of House Tadcaster
  • 2018 Member of the East Kingdom Rapier Army War Counsel
  • 2022 Rapier Field Commander of House Tadcaster

Event Staff

  • 1986 Pennsic War XV – Autocrat– I created the Pennsic War Fund for self financing of the event with profit sharing between the East Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom. I was the last autocrat to personally put up the front money for Pennsic War. It was the largest SCA event at the time, with 1,500 people in attendance.
  • 1988 Pennsic War XVII – Autocrat - It was the largest event of that time with 5,000 people in attendance. I created the Pennsic War Medallion for keeping track of paid attendees at the event, the land agent and registration system for parceling out camping space. I drafted the first written contract between Coopers Lake Campground, the East Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom. That created the Pennsic War Fund insuring that future autocrats no longer had to front the costs of Pennsic. I had to personally fronted $10,000 to run Pennsic that year.
  • 1988 Bransle De Guire – Autocrat- This was the first Inter-Kingdom War with Atlantia to replace the Inter-Kingdom Peace. I ran two Inter-Kingdom wars in the same year. That was also the same year I was autocrat for Pennsic War XVII.
  • 2003 Kingdom Crusades – Autocrat– In addition to planning and running this inter-kingdom event between The East Kingdom and the Kingdom of Atlantia, I renegotiated and revised the contract with the local campground for the next two years in order to lock in prices and terms. A national HD television program did a special on the event. I acted as the liaison between the SCA and the television show’s production staff.
  • 2009 Known World Academy of Rapier/Known World Costuming Symposium (KWAR/KWCS) - Deputy Event Steward. Assisted in the planning, finding an event site and the running of this very successful weekend known world event. KWAR/KWCS was the largest KWAR in the history of the event. It is now the model for this event throughout the known world. My former apprentice, Master Collin Monroe and my apprentice, TRH Griffith Davion were the Lead Event Stewards.
  • 2013 River Wars - Autocrat for the regional baronial war between Iron Bog and Bhakail. The event is a weekend camping event with over 400 people in attendance.
  • 2015 King’s and Queen’s Rattan's Champions/Baronial Investiture. Autocrat for a combined event to host King & Queen's Rattan Championships and the 4th Baronial Investiture for the Barony of Iron Bog.
  • 2018 King’s and Queen’s Archery Champions/Baronial Investiture/ Curia. Autocrat for a combined event to host King’s & Queen's Archery Championships, the 5th Baronial Investiture for the Barony of Iron Bog and Royal Curia.
  • 2023 East Kingdom Equestrian Championships and Iron Bog Baronial Investiture. Autocrat for a combined event to host East Kingdom Equestrian Championships, the 6th Baronial Investiture for the Barony of Iron Bog.

Projects & Publications

  • Name of Project/Publication, Other info, mm/dd/yyyy
  • List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

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