
Reinhart Basarab Draculesti

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Reinhart Basarab Draculesti
Resides: *Barony de L'ile du Dragon Dormant, *Crown Principality of Tir Mara
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Per bend azure and gules, a bend embattled argent between three increscents two and one and a wolf rampant argent
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Silver Tyger Consort's Cypher Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant Queen's Order of Courtesy CourtBarony Chivalry
Sovereign's Bardi's Champion


Reinhart found the SCA as a kid in the early 2000's and came back to it in 2014 when a friend started going to the local practices.

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Reinhart of house Basarab was a servant of the Draculesti branch Voivoids in 15th century Wallachia. Holding small amounts of land, he was named Domn under a minor Boyar which spared him from much of the turmoils of court during his youth. Elevated to the rank of Boyar as a Wallachian patriot, he came to serve in Vlad III's personal retinue troops during his second and third reign, taking parts in the many endeavors and campaign of his lord. He was eventually captured upon his lord's death and taken as political prisoner by the Ottoman Empire, where he spent the rest of his life as an advisor and instructor on religious and political affairs in Istanbul in exchange for a comfortable living.

Offices & Positions

  • Deputy Marshal for Western Tir Mara, 2020 to Now
  • Baron of l'Ile du Dragon Dormant, March 2019-2023
  • Chronicler of the Barony of l'Ile du Dragon Dormant, 2015-2018
  • Princess' Heavy List Champion, Tir Mara, 2016-2018
  • Tir Mara Regional Commander for the Pennsic 47(2018) Unbelted Champion's team

Awards & Honors

  • Award of Arms, Kenric III & Avelina III, 2016
  • Silver Tyger, Kenric III & Avelina III, 2016
  • Queen's Cypher, Anna III, 2016
  • Tygers Combatant, Ioannes & Honig, 2017
  • Queen's Order of Courtesy, Matilde I, 2017
  • King's Award of Esteem, Wilhelm I 2019
  • Order of the portable feast, East Kingdom 12th Night 2019
  • Chivalry, IDD-BIA, Mohammad & Corotica, 2023
  • Court Barony, IDD-BIA, Matthias & Feilin, 2023
  • Sovereign Bardic Champion, IDD-BIA, Matthias & Feilin, 2023


Projects & Interests

  • Fighting
  • Dance
  • Bardic circles, singing, music and storytelling
  • Eastern-Europe history, arms and armors
  • Court heralding

In Case of Court

  • Please contact Sir Angus McHailey, Mistress Tadea, and Lady Leana Doucet
  • Reinhart would prefer to be surprised