
The Voice of the Queen

From EastKingdomWiki

Written for the Queen’s Bard scroll for Spring of 2011. It was awarded to Jean De Montagne. Written in the style of “Seldom Seen is Soon Forgot.”
To Eastern bards a call went forth
to come at King and Queen's command
to wind their way to the Kingdom's north
to a mighty tower, tall and grand.
Before the stately thrones to stand,
and match their words in contest keen,
to become the royal bards of the land
and be the voice of the King or Queen.

The hall was filled with voices strong –
the bards that braved the winter's cold,
delighted all with lilting song,
with epic poems, and tales well told.
Aikaterene said, "Behold!
This bard is best of those I have seen,
to him I give a sash of gold,
and Jean shall be the voice of the Queen!

© Dan Marsh