
Yehuda ben Moshe

From EastKingdomWiki

Baron Yehuda ben Moshe
Resides: Canton of Lions End
Crown Province of Østgarðr
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Yehuda ben Moshe.png
Per bend sinister sable and argent, two lions counterchanged.

Yehuda ben Moshe badge2.png
(Fieldless) A sheaf of straight trumpets Or.
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Companion of the Order of the Silver Rapier CourtBarony Companion of the Order of the Pelican Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier Order of the Iron Tower Blue Tyger Legion

CoHSeal.GIFFencing MarshalHeraldArchery MarshalWebminister


I have been a member of the SCA since 1995. I first started in the Dominion of Myrkfaelinn, Principality later Kingdom of AEthelmearc. I was inactive for a while, and now I am playing again in the Canton of Lions End, Crown Province of Østgarðr. These days, I am primarily involved in Rapier and Heraldry. In the past, I have also done Rattan, archery, and a variety of A&S.


Known among other Jews as Yehuda ben Moshe, most Italians call me Leone di Moise. I had been living in the Republic of Venice, but in 1595 I moved to Livorno, in Tuscany, following the Grand Duke's 1593 charter ensuring the rights of all residents of the port city, including Jews.

Offices & Positions

Herald, Dominion of Myrkfaelinn, approx 1996-1998
Webminister (unofficial), Dominion of Myrkfaelinn, approx 1996-1998
Herald-at-Large, 1998-2000, Aug 2012-Feb 2013
Archery Marshal, approx 1996-2000
Archery Marshal, Nov 2012-Present
Herald, Canton of Lions End, Feb 2013-June 2015
Elmet Herald (Kingdom Heraldic Education Deputy), Feb 2013-June 2015
Pelican SoA decision staff, Aug 2013-Present
Wreath SoA decision staff, Nov 2013-Present
Fencing Marshal, Jan 2014-Present
Webminister-at-Large, Oct 2014-Present
Blue Tyger Herald (Kingdom Submissions Deputy), June 2015-June 2018
Dextrochere Herald (Kingdom, Emergency Deputy), June 2018-December 2020
Brigantia Principal Herald of the Kingdom of the East, Dec 2020-Jan 2023

Pennsic XLIV Rapier Melee Champions team alternate
Pennsic XLV Herald's Point Coordinator
Pennsic XLV Rapier Melee Champions team
Østgarðr Provincial Rapier Champion, Sep 2016-Sep 2017
Pennsic XLVIII Rapier Heroic Champions team alternate
Pennsic XLIX Rapier Heroic Champions team
Consort's Rapier Champion, Nov 2023-present

Event Staff

Autocrat, Battle of Maldon event, Dominion of Myrkfaelinn, Fall 1996 or 1997
Heraldic Class Coordinator, Southern Region Scriptorium and Heraldic Symposium, Barony of Settmour Swamp, Jan 18, 2014
Pennsic XLV Department Head - Herald's Point

Projects & Publications

  • Introduction to Heraldry class, EK Brewing Collegium and Novice Schola, 04/20/2013
  • So you want to be a (book) herald? Part I, Southern Region War Camp, 06/01/2013
  • So you want to be a (book) herald? Parts I-III, online video classes, June 2013
  • So you want to be a (book) herald? Parts I-III, Pennsic 42, July-August 2013
  • East Kingdom Herald University series of online classes available at , Sep 2013-present
  • Being a Herald Q&A, Southern Region Scriptorium and Heraldic Symposium, Barony of Settmour Swamp, Jan 18, 2014
  • Book Heraldry 100, Pennsic 43, August 2014
  • Introduction to Russian Names, Pennsic 43, August 2014
  • Created page, Oct 2014
  • Maintaind page, Oct 2014-June 2018
  • Book Heraldry 100, Pennsic 44, August 2015
  • Book Heraldry 100, Pennsic 45, August 2016
  • Introduction to Russian Names and Conflict Checking Armory Using the Complex Search Form, AEthelmearc Heralds & Scribes, October 2016
  • Charge Group Theory, KWHSS, Meridies, June 2017
  • Book Heraldry 100, Pennsic 46, August 2017
  • Book Heraldry 100, Pennsic 47, August 2018
  • Book Heraldry 100, Pennsic 48, August 2019


House TOAD

In Case of Court

Please contact Mistress Alys Mackyntoich

More Information

Yehuda's project blog: