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Part Number: 752

USAID Acquisition Regulation

Subpart 752.1—Instructions for Using Provisions and Clauses

Subpart 752.1—Instructions for Using Provisions and Clauses

Source: 79 FR 74997, Dec. 16, 2014, unless otherwise noted.

752.102 Incorporating provisions and clauses.

(a) As authorized by FAR 52.102, FAR and AIDAR provisions and clauses should be incorporated by reference in solicitations and contracts to the maximum practical extent, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. For provisions that require fill-ins or input by the contracting officer, the paragraph that contains the fill-in information must be included directly below the title of the provision or clause.

(b) If applicable, the following AIDAR provisions and clauses must be incorporated in full text in all solicitations and awards:

No. AIDAR (48 CFR chapter 7) Title Date
752.225-4 Buy American Act—Trade Agreements July 1997.
752.232-70 Letter of Credit Advance Payment Mar 2015.
752.245-70 Government property—USAID reporting requirements July 1997.
752.7003 Documentation for payment Nov 1998.

(c) Contracting activities may choose to incorporate provisions in full text, when:

(1) A new clause or significant revisions to an existing clause is issued less than six months prior to issuance of a solicitation or a contract award;

(2) Listing a clause in full text will ensure compliance with the contract terms and conditions;

(3) Inclusion of clauses in full text is more practical under the local conditions (e.g., situations where doing so will assist small local entities, the prospective contractors may have limited Internet access, etc.).

(d) If a solicitation or contract contains one or more FAR provisions or clauses incorporated by reference, the contracting officer must insert the following Internet address: in FAR clause 52.252-1, Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference or 52.252-2, Clauses Incorporated by Reference.

752.107 AIDAR provisions and clauses prescribed in this subpart.

(a) The contracting officer must insert the provision at 752.252-1, Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference, in solicitations in order to incorporate AIDAR provisions by reference.

(b) The contracting officer must insert the clause at 752.252-2, AIDAR Clauses Incorporated by Reference, in solicitations and contracts in order incorporate AIDAR clauses by reference.

(c) The contracting officer must insert the provision at 752.252-70, Provisions and Clauses to be Completed by the Offeror, in full text in solicitations or contract containing FAR or AIDAR provision(s) or clause(s) that must be completed by offerors or prospective contractors and submitted with the quotation or offer.


AIDAR Appendix