
Putting safety at the heart of all we do

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Safety at Airbus

Nothing is more important than ensuring a safe flight for everyone – and everything – that flies aboard an Airbus aircraft. We strive to meet the highest safety levels for all our aircraft and products, and our dedication to safety and quality is reflected across the company, from design, engineering and production to maintenance, training and support.

We know that the public’s trust in the Airbus brand does not come lightly. It is built on our decades of experience and the safety record of our aircraft. Our products meet the highest airworthiness requirements and we strive to go above and beyond to further advance the safety of our products and services.

Safe operations rely not only on the safe design, testing and production of an aircraft, but also on having proper maintenance and trained pilots working in a safe environment. We are therefore committed to providing safety support for the entire lifecycle of our products. 

  • China_A320_facility

    People safety

    Valuing the safety, health and wellbeing of our people

    Learn more
  • Flight Operations Services

    Safety in operations

    Supporting the safe operation of all our products and services

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  • Safety investigation

    Safety investigation

    Working to prevent accidents and incidents

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