Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2023
Update: I raised the stars just because Fitbit replaced my device. Still not sure about the step counting but it is tracking my sleep better.

Bought this 5 months ago to track steps but it is highly inaccurate. It tracks my drives to CVS, to the gas station, one day it tracked while I was traveling on a city highway going from one work location to another.
Fitbit said I can just manually deduct those trip. What! Why should I have to do that with a STEP tracker?

Sleep tracking? I have a lot of sleep problems and started wearing this at night a month ago to get data for my doctor. I think this is way off in terms of sleep numbers. Half the time, it gets no data at all while I'm sleeping. It tracks such little sleep that my doctor doesn't believe I could possibly be sleeping 0, 1, 2, 3 hours a night.

Ive tried a million things to re-set it based on customer tips - reboot, change arms, wear it upside down, uninstall/re-install app, clear user data, wear it tighter - come on. This thing just sucks.

I reached out to Fitbit and will see what they can figure out (other than suggest I manually deduct the driving that it records).
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