Exam Waiver

Proven Academic Achievement

Applicants have the option to waive the exam if they are able to prove previous academic achievement. If the applicant qualifies under the criteria listed below, they can choose to apply without an exam.
Please be advised that while the application review is holistic, a standardized exam score will help an applicant stand out in the review process as it provides a relevant and recent data point in determining whether an applicant is able to meet the academic demands of the program.

The Criteria

Applicants who have had previous academic success in the following areas:
criteria 1 or 2
Undergraduate or graduate degree (master’s or doctorate) earned from an accredited US institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or greater in one of the following majors or fields:
  • Business
  • Economics
  • STEM
    • Science
    • Technology
    • Engineering
    • Math
Undergraduate or graduate degree (master’s or doctorate) earned from an accredited US institution in any other field not already listed with a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or greater.

Please note that meeting the above criteria does not guarantee admission. Applications will still be evaluated on a holistic review.

Consider Your Profile

We encourage you to compare your profile against these qualifications along with the class profile to determine if you should apply without a exam score. If you do not meet the criteria above or if you have any doubts about meeting the quantitative criteria stated, we encourage you to submit a exam score with your application.

View Class Profile

If you have any questions regarding the criteria please contact the Fully Employed MBA Admissions office at:

[email protected]