Grasslands, Aridlands, and Forests

We improve habitat quality on privately managed and public lands.
Burrowing Owls. Photo: Sandrine Biziaux Scherson/Audubon Photography Awards

Working on working lands.

Working lands represent one of the best hopes for conservation. These parcels of forests, ranches, and farms add up to roughly a billion acres—or about half the land in the entire Lower 48 states. Audubon collaborates with landowners, land managers, government agencies, and private industry across the hemisphere to increase the quality of habitat on privately managed lands to benefit 20 flagship bird species. Audubon also helps landowners and land managers apply bird-friendly practices on their lands.

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Birds That Depend on Grasslands
! Priority Bird
Greater Sage-Grouse
Pheasants and Grouse
Golden Eagle
Hawks and Eagles
Sagebrush Sparrow
New World Sparrows
Sage Thrasher
Mockingbirds and Thrashers
Burrowing Owl
Brewer's Sparrow
New World Sparrows
Gray Flycatcher
Tyrant Flycatchers