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in the past

Game feels like it lacks a lot of the soul the others have.

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Overall an enjoyable game but it left me very frustrated at the wasted potential due to the standard Disney stuff taking up the vast majority of a game that needed the entire thing to itself. As the culmination of nearly 20 years of Kingdom Hearts it felt like wasted potential.

The last quarter of the game was chock full of every theory about “who will come back” out there, and I honestly enjoyed the way things connected but… it was all sped up in the last quarter of the game giving none of the characters time to simmer.

Everyone’s there, but it didn’t feel like anything at all.

I've heard it mentioned elsewhere that Disney is the albatross around this series’ neck, and at this point I think I’m inclined to agree. Despite it being the major selling point of the series at its start, I just kinda don’t care about the Disney stuff any more. Sure, the stories in this game were fun, but the game spent 75% of it’s time spinning its wheels on Disney stuff with effectively no KH stuff, and then scattershot it at all out at the end without giving things time to stew.

They needed 20, 30 hours to cover everything that needed covering, and they tried to pack it all into 8 or so. Overall, It just frustrates me because I was hoping that this one, out of all the others, would focus tremendously on Kingdom Hearts, using the Disney worlds as backgrounds. As it stands, I swear KH2 had more Kingdom Hearts story in its prologue than KH3 did :P

Still though, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have some fun here The combat system felt like a step forward at times, but also a few steps back (from KH2) at other times - mainly around the attraction attacks which just come up too often and have very little player interaction.

Will I be back for the inevitable next game? Yeah.

I have finished Kingdom Hearts 3. Its actually hard to say the words how i feel. I havent been a fan of kh for very long but this made me feel like i loved this series for years. Amazing gameplay, the story was so good, so many incredible moments, might be my top 5 games. My only complaints are that it needed the reaction commands from kh2 and also should have been harder.

This game gets a lot of hate and I don't really understand it, this was everything I wanted out of KH3, I loved the wrap up of everyones stories, the gameplay was so much fun, some of the best gameplay in the series and was so satisfying to do right.

Literally one of the best games I've ever played

Two words: Underrated, overhated.
This was my first KH title. Sure, its like the first title for a bunch of people who got into KH.
I could go on all day how this game is just.. good. Its great. May not be as legendary as KH2, but still good. If you hear anyone complain about this game being shitty, dont let that stop you from enjoying it. Its combat is flashy, fast, but still super fun. Some people think you can play braindead with this game and its easy, if you really think that, come back to me once you do the fights in Re:Mind, and not over level Sora before Anti Aqua.
The story... I understand. Has plot holes and/or the cutscenes were just super long. From what I heard, it was written by the BBS writing team, which... yeah.
Lets not forget to mention; the SOUNDTRACK. As someone who listens to a lot of VG OST, KH3 stands out to me so much, Shimomura COOKED.
I replayed this game once it came out on Steam. Modding the game is great, and it has a bunch of cool mods that adds onto vanilla KH3, like an expanded Coliseum, party members, PLAY AS THE (KH) NPCS, quality of life, a bunch of cosmetic mods, and much more.
Re:Mind; It answers a few questions and expands on the ending with its original playthrough, it's returning datascape from KH2 being a whole lot of fun (despite me not liking few of the fights), and Yozora. Still havent beaten him, hes hands down the hardest boss in KH.
Good game. Its got its flaws, but its the game I come back to a bunch. Almost have this game 100% on Steam :^)

Also, KH3 Sora is precious. I dont care what anyone says.

Very good but falls short of II, especially if you played it before Re:Mind

not as bad as everyone says, story was a little anticlimactic for me but the game was a very enjoyable ride

Had a lot of fun with this game, even tho it is not on the same level as the first 2, it is still great!

goated. i like the 2nd better. Nostalgia wins

Pretty disappointing. I love this series, but it has seriously disappeared up its own ass in a cloud of weightless lore. This game is often fun enough, but the combat has never felt so flashy yet insubstantial (I hate you, pirate ship), and as a conclusion to the main KH story, this at once really rushed and really meandering. Some worlds are fun, but too many just amount to watching a Pixar movie as a passive observer in full.

At least we have Hikaru Utada.

me lo he pasado en critical, sin atracciones y sin kupomonedas, y saltándome todas las cutscenes porque para mí la historia se acabó en el 2 y odio el pifostio que se montaron luego de ese juego

el gameplay mola, pero el diseño de algunos enfrentamientos y de algunos bosses del trecho final pues bueno, basuron, el juego entero es una de cal y otra de arena, con ganas de hacer el postgame de remind

Really helped me through hard times.

May your heart be your guiding key!

Delicioso, desafiador, diferente, emocionante, não vejo defeitos

I've hated this game since 2019 and it didn't change anything to play it now, I put 1 star because of the world of pirates of the caribbean cuz it was the only thing I enjoyed in this game

Gameplay was very fun, but the story wasn't able to focus on every character and suffered for it.

KH3 self proclaimed hater coming back to it after like 5 years to say wait actually this game kicks ass and the me of 2019 was actually dumb as fuck.

First and foremost I kinda wanna talk about this being called Kingdom Hearts 3 despite actually being like Kingdom Hearts 10 or smthn. Somehow the takeaway from locking a lot of the context in KH2 behind a handheld game most fans didn't play was doing the same thing here except now it's the entire story and there's like 5 shitty handheld games most people didn't play including an even shittier gacha (which is also the most lore important game in the series for some reason) and a movie called Back Cover (stupid fucking name). I don't know why they did this but it's really funny, I love to imagine people shaking their fists in the air yelling into the void "Nomura what the hell does 358/2 Days even mean" only to be hit by maybe the funniest punchline ever with the prologue of this game being called Kingdom Hearts 2.9. There was no way Nomura wrote this without giggling like a schoolgirl thinking he's the smartest and funniest dude ever (fun fact he actually is). I don't actually know what the point of this paragraph was I just wanted to talk about this bc it's funny.

Anyways onto the actual game the main story is weird, while everything past the final Disney world is crazy good, most things before that are kinda w/e with a good portion of it being infodump talking about like replicas & the power of woke alongside dudes saying cryptic stuff & fading into the darkness or some shit. The segments are pretty short and there are some good sequences here and there but this is definitely where my biggest complaints with KH3 come into play. The story is EXTREMELY backended. While KH1 and even 2 were pretty good with pacing this is very much a <we fuckin around in da Disney Worlds until stuff happens> type story. This series has always kinda followed this method but they at least pretended that there was good justification for going to these worlds, in KH3 it's mostly just <Sora you gotta learn dat doggone power of woke, now go fuck around in da pirate world>. Everything past the Disney Worlds tho? Damn das good... I love basically everything after that point and the Keyblade Graveyard boss gauntlet segment is one of my favorite sequences in the series, with a ton of fantastic payoff tying up the plots of like 20 KH games, dat 358 one especially may just be my favorite part of the series. It should also go without saying that if you haven't played most of the games up to this point you will be very confused, people like to call the story convoluted because they haven't played every game but it's actually pretty simple, there's just a lot of it.

The Disney Worlds themselves are a mostly positive mixed bag. I'll just say these are by far the best worlds in the series and exploring them is an absolute joy, basically every world is designed super well and there's a lot of shit differentiating them from eachother, they also look VERY good, kinda awesome. Especially nice after the rest of the series having pretty shit worlds outside of KH1. My complaints stem from the lolmovierecap worlds. Them being da Tangled, Frozen & Pirates worlds, while there has been a lot of movie recap worlds in the series they're def at their worst here w/ the plots being nigh incomprehensible if you haven't seen the associated movies. It's especially weird because the worlds that don't follow this format are crazy good. Toybox is phenomenal and I love seeing the toys reacting to the goofy ass KH plot, culminating in Woody telling Young Xehanort he has no friends (peak). Da Monsters world is also extremely fun considering it's just a light sequel to the movie and you get to see what happened after that, including Mike & Sully throwing the edgiest dude in the series into like 5 doors and then shredding said door (peak). The other ones like Hercules & Big Hero 6 also go crazy, so it's weird just having 3 movie recap worlds that are kinda w/e.

Oh now the gameplay? Dat shit GOOD. Idk maybe it's just me coming right off of BBS & DDD which fucking suck but Sora feels so good in this game. While not as fluid as KH2 there's a TON to love here. Keyblade transformations fucking rock and are a such a good alternative to Drive Forms. While Drive Forms in KH2 feel like an extension of your kit, all with their own strengths & weaknesses, Keyblade Tranformations still give off this vibe while also being a complete upgrade to your moveset, they're also crazy fun to play around with. They're also cool as fuck and give an excuse to have weapon types that aren't <Big Key>. The movement is also great, while unsurprisingly not anywhere near KH2's movement it still feels great and flowmotion actually feels really good this time around, blocking in da air is also peak... One thing I think also goes really under the radar with this game is the encounters being chaotic as fuck and kinda huge, you'll very often be fighting like 10+ enemies at once with up to 5 party members, shit gets crazy. To counteract this the shit Sora can pull off is kinda crazy, with da super magic, keyblade transformations, and limits. I'd mention attraction commands but attraction commands r dumb and cringe!!! Critical mode is also kinda fuckin insane, KH2 crit mode really didn't feel that bad but KH3 crit mode is mean as fuck. I also think the main story boss fights are at their best here, KH1 boss fights are a mixed bag and KH2 is basically the same, both with a few phenomenal standouts. KH3 is way more consistent w/ basically every major boss being pretty damn fun, even the big monster bosses are actually fun this time around which is a series first. The endgame bosses also kick ass, the triple Xehanort fight especially goes fucking insane.

Somehow forgot to mention that the constant reuse of random songs from KH1&2 is kinda cringe, ik they've been doing this for a good while but it's really weird in this game when it's da big numbah 3, especially when the KH3 original tracks are crazy good (the remixes and mash-ups are fine btw I'm talking about the exact same tracks being reused). Makes this game feel like it lacks its own identity as pretentious as that sounds. Pls stop reusing music KH devs.

Obligatory TLDR bc long review xd game rocks, people are unjustifiably pretty negative towards it when it's easily on the level of the other mainlines (I lowkey like it even more than 2, 1 is still my goat tho). Does it have its problems? Obv, every mainline KH does, u guys r just mean.

Good god is this a mess. The gameplay is fine and good and the soundtrack is just as great as you'd expect at this point, but the plot has gone so off the rails that it's painful to follow. The actual final stretch which has been built up for so long is a massive letdown, and the finale doesn't offer any kind of satisfaction, especially since they couldn't help themselves and used the ending to tease even more sequels.

I like this one
saying "But its worse than kh2" doesent mean shit when kh2 is almost a perfect game for me lmao
I have some problems and most of it is difficulty
yea ik kh2 also wasnt ultra hard on standard so ig I will have to do a critical mode run of this game too (for all achievements)
another thing a lot of people didnt like is that apparently the disney worlds are filler and I mean cmon they were filler since KH2 disney worlds in both of these games have a pretty simple job
make the player meet a new org member have sora do some cool shit because duh hes sora ofc hes gonna be awesome and end it with a small plot hint/revelation
I think what this game needed was a "Mid-point" just like the second visit in the hollow bastion
With recent leaks of kh3 beta it looks like daybreak town from khux was planned at some point so maybe there was a mid point that nomura had to cut due to square not wanting to make the development even longer? I dunno I can only theorize
the biggest problem of the story is that a huge part of it is a build up to a new arc
many people say that "The ending was rushed" but honestly I think its the perfect way to give an ending to all these characters while also still making us wanting more
if youre tired of just waiting for new games thats ok - BUT IM NOT
So now the combat
its my biggest issue with the game
soras moveset is just ok but compared to kh2 and even kh1
its just basic keyswings
the fun comes with the new keyblade transformation
the reason why you can equip up to 3 keyblades is because (almost) EVERY keyblade has an unique transformatiom
some I didnt find fun to use like countershield but some I loved using
my fav one if favourite deputy ever after and ofc - oathkeeper
and after youre done using a transformation you can use a cool looking finisher
this is an evolution of the command styles from BBS except the game isnt forcing you into a style
you choose if you want to use it or not and you can even get a transformation and change keyblades mid fight to save it for later
...and this is where the problems start to arise
you get a lot of options but all of this becomes unbalanced and everything you get has a simple purpose
kh2 had summons that were supporting you
they werent fighting for you but if you were smart enought you could abuse them so much
here summons just deal damage and nothing more
all random encounters can easily be wiped with simba
limits in kh2 was something that always dealt damage except trinity where you had to be quick and smart to do anything
here the limits were turned into situation commands
you get them randomly and every disney world has one
Situation commands seem cool at first but except for the magic and keyblade transformation SC they are so random
from SCs you also get disney attractions
I have no idea why sora can use them too they never explained it
they are less random but they still have a purpose of looking flashy and dealing a lot of damage
this can get so goofy to the point where sora just summons a big ass ship at the end game bossess
boss design is also in a lot of places just boring with minor exceptions
overall yea I did like it but it feels like a big teaser for whats next and im getting really scared kh4 will be a teaser for kh5 but who knows maybe they explain both who tf is the master and whats inside the black box in kh4

Don't let any of the haters tell you this was a bad game. I believed in this game since its launch. The only negative thing about this game is the pacing (and that one pirate world mission) but aside from that the combat was fun and the new keyblade transformation features were really fun to use. The visuals were absolutely amazing and by far the best Kingdom Hearts has ever looked. The new gummi ship system and customization options were kinda crazy tbh (too bad I still suck at it). I really enjoyed my time playing and experiencing this game multiple times through multiple playthroughs.

Really enjoy Kingdom Hearts III especially in the combat which is just as good as KHII's combat system. Quite refreshing too to go back to the usual battle style after years of change-ups and Command Decks (not that there's anything wrong with them).

The worlds are very fun to traverse though with the Toy Story and Pirates of the Caribbean ones being my big favourites. Not all of them are winners though, I thought the Monsters Inc world was rather underwhelming and the Frozen one is absolute shit. Really does feel like Disney had Nomura and co's hands tied behind their backs for that one and having to constantly go up and down the mountain got really old fast.

The Keyblade Graveyard ending and boss fights are banging though with some truly stellar music and overall it's a nice little conclusion to this Dark Seeker arc... although in classic KH fashion there's still plenty of set-up for things to come and the ending for Xehanort is a bit questionable especially with all the shit he did to everyone.

Overall though I still had quite a lot of fun with KHIII and go back to it every now and then.

Fui animado comprar o 3 jogo da franquia, deu um sono da porra nos primeiros 30min de gameplay.. tentei várias vezes, mas não desceu, ruinzinho demais

Good. Should've been better.

no esta mal pero cuanto mas lo juego menos me gusta

still my favorite game ever made

TLDR: not good

messy rambling blah blah blah

The very first time I played kh3 I went in with an open mind because I had heard nothing but bad things about the game since its release, but after getting through the first world I began to understand exactly why it's not favored by many. The gameplay for the most part is no more than just pressing your hit button a billion times over, it's more flashy and cold looking than actually mechanically impressive. The length of each of the worlds is a main issue for me, you could actually pull up the tangled movie and watch it nearly 2x over and you still wouldn’t be done with the world in kh3, and the final world is an actual fucking joke. it’s a boss rush with the organization and all of them give you a paper thin sob story THIRTEEN TIMES IN A ROW and you’re supposed to eat up after they did it for the 8th time????? like yeah man i definitely felt bad for beating luxord :( it’s just fucking insane. For a reason they still haven’t explained in lore all the hearts of every single person who played those shitty mobile games are summoned and sora does a giant move with everyone. it genuinely felt like i was watching a fucking mcu movie in kingdom hearts, if it was just a random one off game i dont think i would mind it as much but kh3 has 10 fucking games of build up and it’s not worth it in the SLIGHTEST. Each and every single boss in the base game is pretty much the exact same, big giant heartless vs sora. This game's version of reaction commands are god awful, for gameplay that's already not good the attractions trivialize every single encounter if you use them. Now to talk about what i believe is the lowest the game ever gets, the dlc. It takes away the room for interpretation the last cutscene had and tells you literally everything that caused THAT thing to happen and dumbs the entire game down to “my friends are my power.” Kingdom Hearts 3 is one of things that just shouldn’t exist, the franchise could’ve very well have ended at kh2/358 and I definitely think it should’ve. ultra realism paired with button mashing gameplay and bad writing leaves you with one of the most soulless experiences ever.

But it's a Disney game. I can't be too mad about it.

Although many People dislike it, i think this is one of the Best Kingdom hearts Games ever KH 2 is still better but this one is also good, Gameplay is almost perfect in my eyes, many People dislike the Story and the pacing and i can understand that, but personally it never bothered me, i think story and pacing are fine and the ending was good and im really looking forward to kingdom hearts 4.

Amazing game when you don’t have someone in your ear telling you it sucks