BEAM Resource Hub

BEAM values openly sharing information with other individuals, schools, or organizations seeking to address equity in STEM and beyond. This hub is an effort to compile some of our learnings, resources, and knowledge from the last decade.

We hope these resources are helpful in your own work. If it does influence your thinking, we invite you to reach out and talk with us, either for elaboration, for discussion or just to tell us that it had an impact. We can be reached at [email protected].

Packaged Courses

Math enrichment courses designed for students from historically excluded backgrounds who are ready for more challenging math.

Daniel Zaharopol, Notices of the American Mathematical Society

Ramya Ramaswamy and Javier Ronquillo Rivera, Journal of Math Circles

Seeing Students For Who They Are: Ensuring students from all backgrounds can access STEM

Daniel Zaharopol, Math Voices

Nobody Majors in STEM Hoping to Fail

Daniel Zaharopol, MAA MathFest