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Beauty Pie

UK Modern Slavery Act Statement 2024

(for financial year 2022/23)


At BEAUTY PIE, we are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking within our business, or with any the third parties we work with. We recognise that, as we continue to our growth journey, the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking may increase across our business, and supply chain, and we are actively taking steps to address this.

As part of this commitment, we are reviewing our internal processes to identify key risks, and create new policies to develop awareness of these across the business. 

Who are we?

BEAUTY PIE is the first luxury beauty Buyers’ Club, with a mission to inspire and empower people all over the world to get more out of life (starting with their vitamins and their moisturizer). Members of the club get insider access to products, direct from the world’s best suppliers of premium skincare, makeup, haircare, bodycare, candles, fragrance, accessories and nutritional supplements, without paying the huge industry markups.

In order to achieve our mission, we work with suppliers based in regions across Asia, North America and the EMEA regions. We recognise that certain areas give rise to a higher risk of modern slavery, including where the supply chain is based in countries where modern slavery is more prevalent and where elements of manufacturing are subcontracted to parties we are less familiar with.

Supplier Reviews and Risk Management

Our goal has always been to work with suppliers whose standards are as high as ours.

All new suppliers undergo a strict ‘due diligence’ process, which includes an audit of their supply chain ethics, and a commitment to our code of conduct and anti-bribery policies. At the supplier pre-qualification stage, we have recently introduced an additional ESG due diligence screening process.

As part of this, we implemented a programme of site visits for some of our key suppliers. While these visits had to be scaled back during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have now resumed a regular cadence of supplier visits.

We have invested heavily in our Supplier Relationship Management team to formalise and improve our management of supplier relationships. This has allowed us to make great progress in creating a structured supplier management system to allow us to have better oversight and control over our supplier relationships. We will continue to mature this in 2023-4. We have also implemented effective systems and controls, including a strict contract approvals process to ensure the Company’s senior management have visibility of significant new supplier relationships.

As we continue to grow, we are committed to enhancing our supplier reviews and recognition of risks. To support this, we continue to make use of our membership of SEDEX, which is a globally recognised membership organisation and used by many retail brands in order to evaluate the ethical standards of businesses across the supply chain. This system is used alongside an updated Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure that our suppliers understand and meet the ethical standards expected of them as Beauty Pie partners.


Modern slavery and human trafficking do not just present risks in supply chains, but in all areas of the business including our own workplace. In order to continue to manage and mitigate these risks in our own hiring practices, our People team has extensive onboarding processes, including right to work checking compliance, and we are committed to making sure that our employees can make their own choice to accept or reject employment offers. We will continue to review the ways in which we can monitor this within our internal processes and adapt these to ensure that we are recognising and reporting any further risks within our business.

Policies and Training

We ensure that our suppliers are issued with our Code of Conduct, which sets out our ethical and environmental expectations. This policy was updated in 2021 to ensure it meets the highest standards of ethics.

Our internal policies and practices help to ensure that our staff are aware of the high standards we hold, and we set out clear processes in the event of non-compliance. All of our employees are provided with access to our policies upon joining the business, and are required to complete a sign off on specific policies acknowledging that they have read and understood them.

We ensure that our internal business policies are a key part mitigating risks of human trafficking and modern slavery, and we regularly review our core policies in this area which include:

  • Our Whistleblowing policy

  • Our Anti-bribery and avoidance of conflicts policy 

Training continues to be a key area of focus to ensure that the entire business is aware of the potential risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking. We will continue to monitor this area as we implement changes within the business and continue to identify and address new risk areas.

Approval from our Board

We understand that our members and other stakeholders expect the highest standards of ethics and responsibility from us. We will continue to strengthen our processes in the 2023/4 financial year. This statement reflects steps taken by Beauty Pie Ltd (registered in England & Wales with company number 09647981) and has been approved by the Beauty Pie board of directors.

Adam Vallance Signature