EEO Policies and Guidance


SUBJECT: Prevention and Elimination of Harassing Conduct:

Equal Opportunity and Workplace Conduct 2018:

Secretary Zinke - Anti-Harassment Policy Statement 
Deputy Secretary Message - Month Two September 22, 2017 PDF
Deputy Secretary Message - Day One August 1, 2017 PDF

Agency Policy Letters

DOI Policy on Equal Opportunity and Workplace Conduct
DOI Workplace Conduct Memorandum
DOI Harassment Policy  April 12, 2017
DOI EEO Training for Managers & Employees
DOI Personnel Bulletin 13-03 - Transgender Policy
DOI Personnel Bulletin 17-09 - Mandatory Training on EEO, Prohibited Personnel Practices, Whistleblower Protection, and No Fear Act of 2002  April 14, 2017

Additional Guidance:

OPM Guidance: Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination in Federal Civilian Employment
OPM Guidance Regarding the Employment of Transgender Individuals in the Federal Workplace January 2017
EEOC Policy Guidance - Regulations, Laws and legal precedence organized by topic
EEOC Federal Sector Reports - Working Groups reporting on Federal EEO Sectors
EEOC Pregnancy Discrimination Act Fact Sheet - Pregnancy Discrimination Fact Sheet
Indian Hiring Preference under Title VII - EEOC Indian Hiring Preference description
Indian Affairs Policy Manual - Procedures for BIA & BIE employees to file complaints of discrimination