We want to do what is right – our Speak-Up Line!

At Billerud, we strive to achieve transparency and a high level of business ethics in everything we do. We encourage all persons working for Billerud, on Billerud's behalf, or together with Billerud, who observe or suspect wrongdoings in or connected to Billerud to speak up share their concerns, if such would arise.

When can I report wrongdoings?

Please tell us if you experience or witness any wrongdoings. By  wrongdoings we mean;

  • Any acts of corruption;
  • Serious irregularities relating to accounting , internal control, auditing;
  • Financial fraud;
  • Violation of competition laws;
  • Collusion with suppliers, subcontractors and agents;
  • Activities, which otherwise by law, treaty or agreement amount to serious misconduct (for example discriminatory practices, harassment, use of child labour, property destruction or other human rights violations); Abuse of power or authority for any unauthorised or hidden purpose; and
  • Other irregularities relating to the vital interests of Billerud or the life and health of individuals, such as serious endangerment to environment and serious breaches of the company’s Code of Conduct and policies.

Our Speak-Up Line

In situations where it is not possible to be open with the identity, Billerud has a confidential reporting system that enables those who have reasonable grounds to believe that an incident of serious wrongdoing is occurring, to report concerns anonymously.

“The Speak-Up Line” is the name of Billerud’s whistle-blowing channel enabling confidential reporting. It is supplied by an independent third party service provider, but the system is operated by Billerud. The Speak-Up Line is a web based portal that can be reached on any device, including smart phones.

When you submit a report, you will be provided with a unique report key and password to enable you to safely communicate with the case manager. We urge you to follow up regularly to check the report for answers or feedback from the case manager, which will be delivered within seven days from submitting a report.

Your message will be securely handled

Access to reports and messages received through the Speak-Up Line is restricted to appointed “Speak-Up Line Officers” who will handle the reports. When needed, individuals who can add expertise may be included in the investigation process. These people can access relevant data and are also bound to confidentiality.

All personal data will be protected at all time and anonymized, as well as erased according to regulations and internal rules, when the personal data is no longer necessary and/or when the case is handled and closed. The system ensures the anonymity of the person submitting the report. The service is separate from Billerud's IT environment. IP addresses or other data that could identify a person sending a message are not tracked. Messages are encrypted and can only be decrypted by designated individuals. The service provider cannot decrypt and read messages.

Billerud will handle the reports confidentially and protect individuals submitting a report from the risk of retaliation as long as the report is made in good faith.

The rights of the individuals specified in a report are subject to the relevant data protection laws. Those affected will be entitled to access data relating to themselves. Should the information be incorrect, incomplete or out of date, they have the right to require amendments or deletion of data. These rights are subject to any overriding safeguarding measures required to prevent the destruction of evidence or other obstructions to the processing and investigation of the case.

If you are an employee, in addition to this information please read internal guidelines concerning the Speak-Up Line. We recommend that you access the Speak-Up Line from a device that is not connected to Billerud's network.

The Speak-Up Line is available here: https://report.whistleb.com/en/billerud

Click here to read about our code of conduct.


For more information about how we handle your personal data and what rights you have, please read the Privacy Notice. Privacy Notice can be found HERE

Billerud encourages whistleblowers to use the internal channel to report suspected or actual occurrence(s) of irregularities. However, a whistleblower may also choose to report such matters without risking retaliation if reports are made through external channels established by competent local authorities or through external channels established by competent institutions, bodies, offices, or agencies of the European Union (referred to as a “Union Body”).

When reporting through an external channel established by a competent local authority or a competent Union Body, the relevant authority or Union Body will have procedures for the external channel and for the receipt of and follow up on reports.

For information on competent local authorities with external channels in Sweden and their relevant areas of responsibility, please refer to the at each time applicable schedule to the Regulation on Protection for Persons Reporting on Irregularities (Sw. Förordning (2021:949) om skydd för personer som rapporterar om missförhållanden). The Regulation and schedule can be accessed via this link or via the Swedish Government’s webpage, www.riksdagen.se.