Terms & Conditions

Last updated August 9, 2024

This page describes the terms and conditions that govern your use of certain Business of Fashion digital products, including the website www.businessoffashion.com and mobile applications, offered by The Business of Fashion Ltd. ("BoF", “us” or “we”).

General Rules and Definitions

1.1 If you choose to use www.businessoffashion.com, any mobile sites and applications, or any of the features of this site (the “Site”), including but not limited to RSS, API, software and other downloads (collectively, the “Services"), you will be agreeing to abide by all of the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service between you and BoF.  However you access the Sites and Services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you have accessed the Services from the United States, you also agree to be bound by additional terms and conditions of use contained at the end of these terms and conditions of use. Please read these terms carefully before proceeding.

1.2 We may change, add or remove portions of these Terms of Service at any time, which shall become effective immediately upon posting. It is your responsibility to review these Terms of Service prior to each use of the Site and Services and by continuing to use this Site and Services, you agree to any changes.  We may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Services at any time to reflect changes to our products, our users' needs and our business priorities. We may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Services without notice or liability. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Site through your internet connection are aware of these terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.

1.3 Your continued use of the Site and Services now, or following the posting of notice of changes in these operating rules, will indicate acceptance by you of such rules. We recommend that you print a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference.

Content on the Services

2.1  The contents of the Services, including the Site, are intended for your personal, non-commercial use. All content, information and materials appearing on or emanating from the Services (including, but not limited to news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, links, forum posts, chat posts, messages, emails), also known as the "Content", are protected by copyright, and owned or controlled by The Business of Fashion Ltd. or the party credited as the provider of the Content.  You acknowledge that, as between BoF and you, BoF is the sole owner of all content on the Site and Services, including, without limitation, all applicable copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, logos, and other intellectual property rights thereto.

2.2  The Services and Content are protected by copyright pursuant to U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create new works from, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit, any of the Content or the Services (including software) in whole or in part.

2.3  You may download or copy the Content and other downloadable items displayed on the Site or Services for personal use only, provided that you maintain and abide by any author attribution, copyright or trademark notice or restriction in any material that you download or print.

2.4  You will not sell, redistribute, retransmit, reproduce, display or otherwise provide access to the Content to any third party, nor modify or create derivative works from any Content.

2.5  Copying or storing of any Content for other than personal use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from BoF, or the copyright holder identified in the copyright notice contained in the Content.  Except as expressly authorised by BoF, you are not allowed to create a database in electronic or paper form comprising all or part of the material appearing on the Site or Services.

2.6  Certain Content is licensed from NewsCred, which will not be liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions in any such Content, or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof, or for any damages arising therefrom.

User Content

3.1  Users of our site may be permitted to submit content for publication in various areas of the BoF Site and Services.  You will be deemed to consent to BoF's terms and conditions, if you choose to post any content or comments to the BoF Site or Services.

3.2  When you submit content to us, you agree and represent that you have created that content, or you have received permission from, or are authorised by, the owner of any part of the content to submit it to the Site or Services.

3.3  You or the owner of the content still own the copyright in the content sent to us, but by submitting content to us (the “Submissions”), you are granting BoF a perpetual, nonexclusive, world-wide, royalty free, sub-licensable license to the Submissions, which includes without limitation the right for BoF or any third party it designates, to use, copy, transmit, excerpt, publish, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, create derivative works of, host, index, cache, tag, encode, modify and adapt (including without limitation the right to adapt to streaming, downloading, broadcast, mobile, digital, thumbnail, scanning or other technologies) in any form or media now known or hereinafter developed and on any platform either now known or hereinafter invented, any Submission posted by you on or to the Services or any other Web site owned by BoF, including any Submission posted on or to the Services through a third party.

3.4  You acknowledge that any Submissions you make to the Site or Services may be edited, removed, modified, published, transmitted, and displayed by BoF and you waive any rights you may have in having the material altered or changed in a manner not agreeable to you. We may remove your content from use at any time. We make no promise to store or keep showing any Submissions and we have no obligation to maintain or provide you with a copy of any Submissions (other than as required by applicable law).  Submissions made to the Site or Services may also be included in our RSS feeds, APIs and made available for republishing through other formats.

3.5  By making a Submission, you are consenting to its display and publication on the Site and in the Services and for related online and offline promotional uses.

3.6  We accept no liability in respect of any content submitted by users and published by us or by authorised third parties.

3.7  You acknowledge and agree that when you post content on the Site or Services, or view content provided by others, you are doing so at your own discretion and risk, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, of that content. You further acknowledge and agree that the views expressed by you and other users in that content do not necessarily reflect the views of BoF, and we do not support or endorse any user content. You acknowledge that we have no obligation to pre-screen, monitor, review, or edit any content posted by you and other users on the BoF Site.

3.8  You are solely responsible for the content of your Submissions. However, while BoF does not and cannot review every Submission and is not responsible for the content of these messages, BoF reserves the right to delete, move, or edit Submissions that it, in its sole discretion, deems abusive, defamatory, obscene, in violation of copyright or trademark laws, or otherwise unacceptable.

3.9  You shall not upload to, or distribute or otherwise publish on to the Services any libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, or otherwise illegal material.

3.10  You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Site may involve

(i) transmissions over various networks; and

(ii) changes to content to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices.  BoF assumes no responsibility for the deletion or failure to store postings of content or other information submitted by you or other users to the  Site.

3.11  If you are under 16, you confirm that you have permission of your parent or guardian to submit content. 

Comments Policy

4.1  You agree that you will not threaten or verbally abuse other Members, use defamatory language, or deliberately disrupt discussions with repetitive messages, meaningless messages or "spam."

4.2  You agree to use respectful language, and not to use language that abuses or discriminates on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual preference, age, region, disability, etc. Hate speech of any kind is grounds for immediate and permanent suspension of access to all or part of the Services.

4.3  BoF encourages active discussions and welcomes debate on the Services, but personal attacks are a direct violation of these Terms of Service and are grounds for immediate and permanent suspension of access to all or part of the Service.

4.4  The Services shall be used only in a noncommercial manner. You shall not, without the express approval of BoF, distribute or otherwise publish any material containing any solicitation of funds, advertising or solicitation for goods or services.

Access and Availability of Services and Links

5.1  The Site or Services contain links to other related World Wide Web Internet sites, resources, and advertisers. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by us of those linked websites or information you may obtain from them. Since we are not responsible for and have no control over the availability of these outside resources, or their contents, you should direct any concerns regarding any external link to the site administrator or Webmaster of such site.

Data Privacy

6.1  Please see our Privacy Policy for details of how personally identifiable information is collected and may be processed or shared with others.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

7.1  This agreement is governed by English law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


8.1  You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless BoF and each of its respective officers, directors, and employees from any and all claims, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out a breach by you or any user of your account of these terms and conditions or privacy policy or arising out of a breach of your obligations, representation and warranties under these terms and conditions.

Representations and Warranties

9.1  You represent, warrant and covenant (a) that no materials of any kind submitted through your account will

(i) violate, plagiarize, or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights; or

(ii) contain libelous or otherwise unlawful material; and (b) that you are at least thirteen years old. You hereby indemnify, defend and hold harmless BoFand all officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers, affiliates, licensors and licensees (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all liability and costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by you or any user of your account of these Terms of Service or the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants. You shall cooperate as fully as reasonably required in the defense of any such claim. BoF reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you.

9.2  BoF does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other information displayed, uploaded, or distributed through the Services by any user, information provider or any other person or entity. You acknowledge that any reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement, memorandum, or information shall be at your sole risk. THE SITE AND SERVICES ARE DISTRIBUTED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK.

No Waiver

10.1  Our failure to insist upon or enforce any provision of these terms of service shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right of BoF.

Communications Between BoF and Users

11.1   If you indicate on your registration form that you want to receive such information, we, our owners and assigns, will allow certain third party vendors to provide you with information about products and services.

11.2  BoF reserves the right to send electronic mail to you for the purpose of informing you of changes or additions to the Service.

11.3  BoF reserves the right to disclose information about your usage and demographics, provided that it will not reveal your personal identity in connection with the disclosure of such information. Advertisers and/or Licensees on our Web site may collect and share personal information about you only if you indicate your acceptance. For more information please read our Privacy Policy.

11.4  BoF may contact you via e-mail regarding your participation in user surveys, asking for feedback on current Services or prospective products and services. This information will be used to improve the Services and better understand our users, and any information we obtain in such surveys will not be shared with third parties, except in aggregate form. 

Registration and Security

12.1  As part of the registration or account creation process, you will log in either using an email address via magic link or code or using social media authentication data. You also have to give us certain registration information, all of which must be accurate and updated.

12.2  Each registration is for a single user only. You are not allowed to share your account with anyone else. We may cancel or suspend your access to the BoF Services if you share your account.

Additional Restrictions on User Content

13.1  In addition to the terms in Section above, you agree not to use the Site to upload, post, e-mail, or otherwise transmit any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or regulation or under any contractual or fiduciary relationship (such as insider information, intellectual, proprietary or confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements and to intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law, including, but not limited to, regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including, without limitation, the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ, and any rules, regulations, orders, directives and the like having the force of law).

DMCA Notice

13.2  If you are a US copyright owner or an agent of a US copyright owner and believe that any user content or other content on the Site infringes upon your copyrights, you may submit a notification pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(3), the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") by providing our designated copyright agent with the following information in writing:

(i)  identification of the copyrighted work or works claimed to have been infringed;

(ii)  identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material;

(iii)  your contact information including name a address, telephone number, and, if available, an email address;

(iv)  a statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorised by the owner of the work, its agent, or the law;

(v)  a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorised to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; and

(vi)  your physical or electronic signature;

BoF's designated copyright agent to receive notifications of claimed infringement is: info@businessoffashion.com. Only DMCA notices should go to the designated copyright agent. You acknowledge that if you fail to comply with all of the requirements of this section, your DMCA notice may not be valid.

Additional Disclaimers

14.1 Visitors to the Site agree that their use of the Site is at their own sole risk. The Site is provided "as is" and "as available," without warranty of any kind, either express or implied including but not limited to:

(i) any warranties concerning the availability, accuracy, appropriateness, reliability, timeliness, or usefulness of the content of the Site; and

(ii) any warranties of title, warranty of non-infringement, or warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. BoF also makes no representations and warranties as to any linked sites and BoF has no liability or responsibility with respect to your use of such sites. In some instances, content made available on the Site may represent the opinions and judgments of providers or users, such as user content. BoF and its affiliates do not endorse nor shall they be responsible or liable for the accuracy or reliability of any statement made on the Site by anyone other than authorised BoF employees acting in such capacity.

14.2  This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injuries caused by the Site, including, without limitation, those damages or injuries occurring as a result of:

(i) any error, omission, deletion, or defect in the content available on the Site; or

(ii) any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction of records, information or data, unauthorised access to, alteration of, or use of records, information or data, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, defamation, or any other cause of action. BoF does not warrant or guarantee that access to the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Terms and Conditions for BoF Memberships (Individual)

This clause 15 relates to BoF Membership Packages for individuals. For terms governing the use of BoF Professional Memberships (Groups) please see clause 16. All other Terms & Conditions for BoF are deemed to apply if applicable.

15.1 You may choose to sign up and become a BoF Member (Individual) of the Site in order to gain access to BoF, which may be restricted or unlimited depending on the package selected.

15.2 “Executive Membership” Members (Individual) shall have unlimited access to: all content on the Site including exclusive content available only to BoF Members (Individual) (“Exclusive Member Content”), weekly member-only email briefings, live and on-demand masterclasses, digital live events and the BoF App (specific to iOS only). “Executive Membership” Members (Individual) shall also have access to:

(i)The BoF Brand Magic Index and BoF Insights reports

(ii) case studies on key business opportunities

(iii) live video calls with expert journalists

(iv) advanced special offers to various tickets and digital events as advertised and notified by BoF; BoF ticket and event offers are open on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis and no guarantees are made in regards to your attendance or availability of tickets.

15.3 “Professional Membership for Individuals” Members (Individual) who joined before August 6, 2024 shall have unlimited access to: exclusive content on the Site including exclusive content available only to BoF Members (Individual) (“Exclusive Member Content”), weekly member-only email briefings, live and on-demand masterclasses, digital live events and the BoF App (specific to iOS only). “Professional Membership for Individuals” Members (Individual) who joined before August 6, 2024 shall also have access to:

(i) advanced special offers to various tickets and digital events as advertised and notified by BoF; BoF ticket and event offers are open on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis and no guarantees are made in regards to your attendance or availability of tickets.

15.4 “Professional Membership for Individuals” Members (Individual) who joined after August 6, 2024 shall have unlimited access to: exclusive content on the Site including exclusive content available only to BoF Members (Individual) (“Exclusive Member Content”), weekly member-only email briefings, live and on-demand masterclasses, digital live events and the BoF App (specific to iOS only), case studies on key business opportunities. “Professional Membership for Individuals” Members (Individual) who joined after August 6, 2024 shall also have access to:

(i) advanced special offers to various tickets and digital events as advertised and notified by BoF; BoF ticket and event offers are open on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis and no guarantees are made in regards to your attendance or availability of tickets.

15.5 Analysis & Advice” Professional Members (Individual) shall have access to: exclusive content available only to Professional Members (Individual) (“Exclusive Member Content”), weekly member-only email briefings and the BoF Professional iOS app.

15.6 “All-Access” Professional Members (Individual) shall have unlimited access to: exclusive content available only to Professional Members (Individual) (“Exclusive Member Content”), weekly member-only email briefings and the BoF App (specific to iOS only). “All Access” Professional Members (Individual) shall also have access to:

(i) advanced special offers to various tickets and digital events as advertised and notified by BoF; BoF ticket and event offers are open on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis and no guarantees are made in regards to your attendance or availability of tickets.

(ii) live and on-demand masterclasses

(iii) digital live events

(iv) case studies on key business opportunities.

15.7 “Professional Membership for Individuals - Beauty Only” Members (Individual) shall have access to: exclusive content available only to Professional Members (Individual) (“Exclusive Member Content”), live and on-demand masterclasses and digital live events under the primary topic classification of “Beauty”. For the avoidance of doubt, “Professional Membership for Individuals - Beauty Only” Members (Individual) shall not have access to the BoF App or case studies.

15.8 You may choose to sign up for BoF Membership (Individual) on the BoF Memberships page, users may be directed to signing up when trying to access content restricted only to BoF Members, or as determined by BoF from time to time.

15.9 “Professional Membership for Individuals” Membership (Individual) and “Professional Membership for Individuals - Beauty Only” Membership (Individual) subscription packages are offered on the following 2 bases: quarterly rolling membership basis and annual rolling membership basis. The “Executive Membership ” Membership (Individual) subscription package is offered on an annual rolling membership basis. Any VAT charged shall be calculated based on your billing country rather than on your physical location. If you change your mind, you will have 14 days within your initial purchase of the subscription package to request a full refund unless you have accessed 3 or more pieces of member-only content by emailing professional@businessoffashion.com. Please note that you will only be eligible for a refund if you email BoF within this 14 day period and if you wish to access content within 14 days of purchase, you will waive your right to a refund. In order to switch between packages, please contact professional@businessoffashion.com.

15.10 Based on the subscription basis chosen, your membership will then auto renew each period (the renewal date being the end of the relevant month, quarter or year, respectively) with the relevant subscription fee being charged to the card details submitted by the member during registration. BoF Membership (Individual) may be cancelled at any time, subject to the provisions below. For monthly subscriptions cancellation will be effective at the end of the monthly billing cycle during which such cancellation was requested. You shall be charged for the entire billing cycle during which cancellation is requested and no refund for any part-month remaining will be provided. For quarterly subscriptions cancellation will be effective at the end of the quarterly billing cycle during which such cancellation was requested. You shall be charged for the entire billing cycle during which cancellation is requested and no refund for any part-month remaining will be provided. For annual subscriptions, cancellation will take effect at the end of the applicable subscription year and will not be renewed for any further years. If you fail to request cancellation, such that your annual subscription has automatically renewed for another year, you will have 14 days from the renewal date during which you may cancel the annual subscription. Please note that if you wish to access content within 14 days of purchase, you will waive your right to a refund. In order to cancel a subscription, you must follow the automated cancellation process by clicking on the ‘cancel my membership’ button, within the account details section of our website. You will be asked to provide a cancellation reason, to help us understand why you are cancelling. Once you have provided a cancellation reason and have confirmed your cancellation details, you will receive a confirmation email to let you know that this has been successfully processed. Only if you are unable to cancel via the automated cancellation process, then you may submit your cancellation request by emailing professional@businessoffashion.com. The cooling off period is 14 days unless you have accessed 3 or more pieces of member-only content, meaning you will only be provided with any form of refund if you have successfully followed the automated cancellation process or submitted your cancellation request to us via email within 14 days of subscription renewal unless you have accessed 3 or more pieces of member-only content. If payment using the card details you have submitted fails, you shall retain access to your BoF Membership (Individual) for 28 days from the date of such payment failure (unless you are participating in the trial offer set out in clauses 15.14 to 15.17 below, in which case you shall retain access for 14 days from the date of payment failure), following which you will lose access unless you provide alternative card details. Should you regain access following the provision of a valid payment method, your subscription shall resume from the date of initial payment failure.

15.11 BoF reserves the right to change the features, content or services related to any BoF Membership (Individual) package without notice to the user in order to improve the quality of the BoF Membership (Individual) offered to you or to comply with any relevant laws, regulations or BoF policies. The BoF Membership (Individual) subscription is priced as advertised on the Site at time of purchase, and BoF in its sole discretion reserves the right to amend or change any subscription price. Existing BoF Members (Individual) will be provided with notice of any changes to future subscription prices. Any special offer or discount offered may be withdrawn or changed without notice.

15.12 BoF Membership (Individual) is to be used by a sole individual per login credentials and is non-transferable. Membership benefits including logins, access to content and services are linked to a specific User, and cannot be shared with other non-Users. BoF shall monitor the number of devices used to access a BoF Membership (Individual) and breach of these terms may result in BoF revoking your access to the Site. In the event of access being revoked due to breach of this clause, no refund shall be provided for any membership fees you may have already paid.

15.13. BoF Membership (Individual) may grant the member access to Exclusive Member Content on the Site and App. All Exclusive Member Content is subject to copyright law and the terms of section two of these Terms of Service apply equally to Exclusive Member Content as to any other Content accessed on or through the Site. Members should seek permission from BoF or the relevant copyright holder before sharing or distributing any Exclusive Member Content accessed through the Site or App. In the event of failure to seek and be granted permission to share or distribute any Exclusive Member Content, in accordance with the foregoing, BoF has the right to terminate your BoF Membership (Individual) and take further action as may be appropriate to protect any and all intellectual property rights BoF has in the Exclusive Member Content.

£1 Trial Offer

The following clauses relate to the “£1 Trial” offer in connection with BoF Memberships (Individual) - for Professional Membership for Individuals and Professional Membership for Students+/Paid. Please note that the trial offer is not applicable to “Executive Membership” Members (Individual).

15.14 BoF may (at its sole discretion) offer non-Members (each a “Non-Member” and together the “Non-Members”, who may also be a Student)) a £1 trial (or $1 or €1 or ₹100, but BoF may adjust the trial price and introduce new currencies at its sole discretion without notice) for a BoF Membership on the terms as set out in this clause 22. Such a trial is applicable for annual or quarterly memberships. Please note that users are only eligible for one single Trial Membership, across any plan variant.

15.15 Each Non-Member must register their details accurately and insert payment details in order to benefit from a Professional Membership For individuals or Professional Membership for Students+/Paid , as the case may be, 1 month paid trial. Non-Members will be charged a non-refundable fee of £1 (or $1 or €1 or ₹100) (not inclusive of applicable taxes) upon the submission of such registration and payment details. You hereby agree to be opted in for an automatic payment to become a Professional for Individuals Member or Professional Student+/Paid Member for Students+/Paid 1 month following the commencement of the £1 (or $1 or €1 or ₹100) 30-days trial (on an annual basis). For terms in connection with subscription for a Professional Membership for Individuals, including terms in connection with payments, cancellations or renewals, please see clause 17 of these Terms and Conditions or clause 17 (for Professional Membership for Students+ / Paid .

15.16. Should you cancel within your 14 day cooling off period as set out in the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, your BoF Membership shall cease and you will be offered a refund.

15.17. BoF reserves the right to revoke the right for any Non-Members to benefit from a £1 month trial at its sole discretion, including but not limited to circumstances where a Non-Member fails to complete payment following the £1 (or $1 or €1 or ₹100) 30-days trial or where Non-Members are found to be in breach of BoF’s Terms and Conditions. Additionally, BoF reserves the right to cancel or amend any terms of the £1 (or $1 or €1 or ₹100) 30-days trial at BoF’s sole discretion. Please note that the trial offer is not applicable to “Executive Membership” Members (Individual).

Terms and Conditions for BoF Professional Memberships (Groups)

This clause 16 relates to BoF Professional Memberships for groups. For terms governing the use of BoF Memberships (Individual) please see clause 15. All other Terms & Conditions for BoF are deemed to apply if applicable.

16.1 Your organisation (company or institution) (“Group”) may choose to sign up and become Professional Members (Groups) of the Site and obtain a Group Account, which grants unrestricted and unlimited access to BoF to a specified number of Seats for individual users within the Group. Each Seat is a single license to use the product for any single, named individual registered with our system via an email address (the “User”), and lasts until the subscription period of the Group Account.

16.2 Each User shall have unrestricted access to: Exclusive Member Content; the BoF App (specific to iOS only); exclusive content available only to Professional Members (Individual) (“Exclusive Member Content”), weekly member-only email briefings, live and on-demand masterclasses, case studies, digital live events and the BoF App (specific to iOS only), advanced special offers to various tickets and events as advertised and notified by BoF. BoF ticket and event offers are open on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis and no guarantees are made in regards to your attendance or availability of tickets. For Users that are part of a Professional Membership (Groups), BoF reserves the right to limit the number of tickets assigned to a single business. BoF Professional Members (Groups) do not have access to The BoF Brand Magic Index or BoF Insights reports.

16.3 One person from the Group Account organisation will be given permission by BoF to manage the access of other Users (the “Account Admin”) in the Group Account. If the Group Account is paid via invoice, the Group Account may specify to BoF who to set up as Account Admin. If the Group Account is paid via credit card, the person who pays is automatically the Account Admin. The Account Admin may:

  • Invite Users to take available seats by entering their email, first name and last name
  • Remove Users from Seats to free up the Seat for another person, as specified by an email address
  • Assign permissions to others in the Group upon contacting BoF
  • Request that BoF add an additional Account Administrator

The Account Admin is responsible for administration of their Group Account, and the assignment of permissions, Seats, compliance with terms of use by the Group’s Users, and maintenance of safety and integrity of the Group Accounts and related Users. BoF accepts no liability flowing from abuse or erroneous use by either the Account Admin or the individual Users.

16.4 You may find out more and request to sign up for a Group Account on the BoF Memberships page or as determined by BoF from time to time, and users may be directed to signing up when trying to access content restricted only to Professional Members, or as determined by BoF from time to time.

16.5 The BoF Professional Membership (Groups) is an annual rolling membership, unless noted otherwise. If you change your mind, you will have 7 days within your initial subscription to request a full refund by emailing professional@businessoffashion.com. Please note that you will only be eligible for a refund if you email BoF within this 7 day period.

16.6 Your membership will automatically renew each year (the renewal date being the end of the relevant year) with the relevant subscription fee being charged to the card details submitted by the member during registration, unless noted otherwise as above. Professional Membership (Groups) may be cancelled at any time, however cancellation will take effect at the end of the applicable subscription year and will not be renewed for any further years, and there is no refund for the remaining unused months. If you fail to request cancellation, such that your subscription has automatically renewed for another year, you will have 7 days from the renewal date during which you may cancel the subscription. Only cancellations in this 7 day period will result in any form of refund.

16.7 BoF reserves the right to change the features, content or services related to any Professional Membership (Groups) package without notice to the user in order to improve the quality of the Professional Membership (Groups) offered to you or to comply with any relevant laws, regulations or BoF policies. The Professional Membership (Groups) subscription is priced as agreed with BoF at the time of purchase, and BoF in its sole discretion reserves the right to amend or change any subscription price for following years. Existing Professional Members (Groups) will be provided with notice of any changes to future subscription prices. Any special offer or discount offered may be withdrawn or changed without notice, and is entirely at the discretion of BoF.

16.8 Membership benefits including logins are linked to a specific User, and cannot be shared with other non-Users. BoF shall monitor the number of devices used to access a Professional Membership (Groups) and breach of these terms may result in BoF revoking your access to the Site. In the event of access being revoked due to breach of this clause, no refund shall be provided for any membership fees you may have already paid.

16.9 Professional Membership (Groups) grants the member access to Exclusive Member Content on the Site and App. All Exclusive Member Content is subject to copyright law and the terms of section two of these Terms of Service apply equally to Exclusive Member Content as to any other Content accessed on or through the Site. Members should seek permission from BoF or the relevant copyright holder before sharing or distributing any Exclusive Content accessed through the Site or App. In the event of failure to seek and be granted permission to share or distribute any Exclusive Member Content, in accordance with the foregoing, BoF has the right to terminate your Professional Membership (Groups) and take further action as may be appropriate to protect any and all intellectual property rights BoF has in the Exclusive Member Content.

16.10 By signing up to a Professional Membership (Groups) account, the Group Account holder will have access to reports in respect of the usage relating to any User. This will include: level of engagement with content, articles accessed and viewed and related time stamps (including via web and mobile access), which shall be linked to the user email address provided by you or your corporate account holder, as updated from time to time. This information shall be available to your Group Account holder in order to assess and increase engagement with content and identify users who have left the business in order to manage user accounts. BoF shall use such data to administer the individual user accounts.

Terms and Conditions for BoF Professional Memberships (Students)

This clause 17 relates to BoF Professional Memberships for students. For terms governing the use of Professional Membership for individuals please see clause 15. All other Terms & Conditions for BoF are deemed to apply if applicable.

17.1 You may choose to sign up and become Professional Members (Students) of the Site in order to gain access to BoF. This will either be on a free (Professional Members (Students – Free)) basis or a paid but discounted basis (Professional Members (Students – Paid)). Eligibility for both is limited to students of accredited Universities / Schools. BoF will require proof of this, which it will evaluate at its own discretion. There will be a validation process that must be followed. Failure to meet this requirement will mean you are not eligible for a student membership. For the avoidance of doubt, staff, faculty members and alumni are not eligible for student memberships.

17.2 Validation of student eligibility will be conducted annually to determine a continuance of membership for Professional Members (Students – either Free or Paid). The student eligibility term is provided once (based on your supplied graduation year) with a maximum term of up to 4 consecutive years and may not be extended. BoF has the right to terminate your Professional Membership (Student) if you are not eligible for a student membership at any point, determined at BoF’s discretion.

17.3 Professional Members (Students - Free) shall have access to: Exclusive Member Content”, weekly member-only email briefings and the BoF Professional iOS app.

Professional Members (Students - Free) do NOT have access to:

(i) advanced special offers to various tickets and digital events as advertised and notified by BoF; and

(ii) live and on-demand masterclasses; and

(iii) case studies on key business opportunities; and

(iv) BoF Insights reports or The BoFBrand Magic Index; and

(v) live video calls with expert journalists.

17.4 Professional Members (Students – Paid) shall have unrestricted access to:

(i) all “Exclusive Member Content” and the BoF App (specific to iOS only) except for BoF Insights reports or The BoF Brand Magic Index; and

(ii) advanced special offers to various tickets and digital events as advertised and notified by BoF; BoF ticket and event offers are open on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis and no guarantees are made in regards to your attendance or availability of tickets; and

(iii) case studies on key business opportunities.

You may find out more and request to sign up for Professional Membership (Students) on the BoF Memberships page, users may be directed to signing up when trying to access content restricted only to Professional Members, or as determined by BoF from time to time.

17.5 Each Professional Membership (Students - Paid) subscription package is offered on a quarterly rolling membership basis. If you change your mind, and in the case of Paid subscriptions, you will have 14 days within your initial purchase of the subscription package to request a full refund unless you have accessed 3 or more pieces of member-only content by emailing professional@businessoffashion.com. Please note that you will only be eligible for a refund if you email BoF within this 14 day period and if you wish to access content within 14 days of purchase, you will waive your right to a refund. In order to switch between packages, please contact professional@businessoffashion.com.

Based on the subscription basis chosen, your membership will then auto renew each quarterly period with the relevant subscription fee being charged to the card details submitted by the member during registration. Professional Membership (Students - Paid) may be cancelled at any time, subject to the provisions below. Cancellation will be effective at the end of the quarterly billing cycle during which such cancellation was requested. You shall be charged for the entire billing cycle during which cancellation is requested and no refund for any part-month remaining will be provided. You shall be charged for the entire billing cycle during which cancellation is requested and no refund for any part-month remaining will be provided. In order to cancel a subscription, you must follow the automated cancellation process by clicking on the ‘cancel my membership’ button, within the account details section of our website. You will be asked to provide a cancellation reason, to help us understand why you are cancelling. Once you have provided a cancellation reason and have confirmed your cancellation details, you will receive a confirmation email to let you know that this has been successfully processed. Only if you are unable to cancel via the automated cancellation process, then you may submit your cancellation request by emailing professional@businessoffashion.com. The cooling off period is 14 days unless you have accessed 3 or more pieces of member-only content since renewal date, meaning you will only be provided with any form of refund if you have successfully followed the automated cancellation process or submitted your cancellation request to us via email within 14 days of subscription renewal unless you have accessed 3 or more pieces of member-only content since renewal date. If payment using the card details you have submitted fails, you shall retain access to your Professional Membership (Individual) for 14 days from the date of such payment failure, following which you will lose access unless you provide alternative card details.

17.6 BoF reserves the right to change the features, content or services related to any Professional Membership (Students) packages without notice to the user in order to improve the quality of the Professional Membership (Students) offered to you or to comply with any relevant laws, regulations or BoF policies. The Professional Membership (Students – Paid) subscription is priced as advertised on the Site at time of purchase, and BoF in its sole discretion reserves the right to amend or change any subscription price. Existing Professional Members (Students - Paid) will be provided with notice of any changes to future subscription prices. Any special offer or discount offered may be withdrawn or changed without notice.

17.7 Professional Membership (Students) is to be used by a sole individual per login credentials and is non-transferable. BoF shall monitor the number of devices used to access a Professional Membership (Students) and breach of these terms may result in BoF revoking your access to the Site.

The Professional Membership (Students) only entitles the Users to limited use of the content and services as specified in this Agreement. Membership benefits including logins are linked to a specific User, and cannot be shared with other non-Users. Copyrighted Content belonging to BoF may not be used or disseminated without BoF consent. BoF shall monitor the number of devices used to access a Professional Membership (Students) and breach of these terms may result in BoF revoking your access to the Site. In the event of access being revoked due to breach of this clause, no refund shall be provided for any membership fees you may have already paid.

17.8 Professional Membership (Students) grants the member access to Exclusive Member Content on the Site and App. All Exclusive Member Content is subject to copyright law and the terms of section two of these Terms of Service apply equally to Exclusive Member Content as to any other Content accessed on or through the Site. Members should seek permission from BoF or the relevant copyright holder before sharing or distributing any Exclusive Member Content accessed through the Site or App. In the event of failure to seek and be granted permission to share or distribute any Exclusive Member Content, in accordance with the foregoing, BoF has the right to terminate your Professional Membership (Student) and take further action as may be appropriate to protect any and all intellectual property rights BoF has in the Exclusive Member Content.

Terms and Conditions for BoF Careers (Applicants)

This clause 18 relates to the use of the BoF Careers Platform by applicants. All other Terms & Conditions are deemed to apply if applicable.

18.1 You may choose to submit job applications advertised by our partners via the BoF Careers Platform. In order to submit a job application, you will have to register. Please refer to our Privacy Policy  for more information on our use of any personal information we collect.

18.2 Some of the jobs advertised are internal applications which you can apply for directly via the BoF Careers Platform. By clicking “Apply Now” you will be asked to provide further application data including your CV and details on your current or most recent employment. You may also be asked further screening questions, for example regarding your entitlement to work in the jurisdiction. Any application data you submit must be accurate. Whilst internal applications can be applied for via the BoF Careers Platform, your application (including certain personal data) will be shared with the partner as further detailed in our Privacy Policy.

18.3 Some of the jobs advertised are external applications. By clicking “Apply Now”, you will be redirected to the partner’s website where you can proceed with your application. Basic information about you shall be shared with the partner at the point you click apply and are redirected to the relevant partner's website (further details can be found in our Privacy Policy or the relevant application page). Beyond this basic information we send to the partner, we are not responsible for the information collection, use, disclosure or other privacy practices of our partners, and you should review the applicable terms and conditions and privacy policies before proceeding with your application. Where our partners provide us with any application data you provide to them via their website, we may share the performance metrics of such application data in aggregated form (i.e. on a collective anonymous basis) with external third parties and to use such data to assess the overall performance of the BoF Careers Platform, and our use of such data shall be in accordance with our Privacy Policy

18.4 Where you make an external application, partner websites are not controlled by us, and we cannot guarantee that your application will be properly received and logged by the partner website upon transmission. If you have any reason to think your application was not received by a partner, we suggest you contact them directly to confirm

18.5 If you decide to delete your BoF account, you will no longer have access to any of the data we provided under that account name, including but not limited to, search history, job search preferences, saved jobs, jobs you have applied to, job alerts, resume and any other data associated with your account. If you use the same email address to set up a new account, this data will not become available to you again.

18.6 We do not make any guarantees or warranties in respect of the likelihood that your application will be successful or your suitability for positions which you apply for. It is recommended that you verify the commencement date and duration of the position, the position to be filled including type of work, location, hours, experience, training, qualifications and authorisation which the partner considers necessary to undertake the role or any other requirements before you submit any application via the BoF Careers Platform.

18.7 If you are a BoF Professional (Individual) Member, your membership status will be disclosed with any job applications you submit.

18.8 The BoF Careers Platform includes the ability for users to create a more detailed profile page to increase their visibility to potential employers. You maintain control over whether your profile is publicly available and whether to share your profile alongside job applications. If you share your profile with job applications or make your profile publicly available, any information and content that you upload or post may be seen by other members, visitors of the site or others, depending on the choices you have made about who can see such content. We are not obligated to publish any information or content on our BoF Careers Platform and can remove it in our sole discretion, with or without notice.

18.9 We provide users with the ability to follow or connect with other applicants or partners. If you chose to use this function, such followers may receive updates as to your latest activity.

Terms and Conditions for Ticket Purchases for BoF VOICES (November 2024 Event)

19.1 Tickets are non-transferable and are based on direct invitations only. If you have not received an invitation from BoF to attend and you purchase a ticket, it will be void and you will be refunded.

19.2 Save for section 20.1 below, tickets are non-refundable, and you will only have the option to transfer or defer your ticket (which is not guaranteed and shall be at BoF’s sole discretion) if a Force Majeure Event occurs . A “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any acts of God or other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of BoF or fires, strikes, pandemics (and associated travel restrictions), embargoes, war, insurrection or riot (each a “Force Majeure Event”) which render it impossible for BoF to host VOICES, or, in the case of pandemic-related international travel restrictions, which render it impossible for you to travel to attend VOICES.

19.3 The ticket price:

  • Includes attendance at BoF’s global VOICES event from November 12th – November 15th 2024
  • Includes all meals which are part of the VOICES programming
  • Includes all scheduled events on the program
  • Does not include accommodation or travel

19.4 Please be advised that filming and/or photography will be taking place during the event.

19.5 Data obtained from ticket purchases shall be utilised internally by the BoF Team to ensure the optimal experience for you. We shall not disclose your data to third parties unless you provide your consent for us to do so.

Terms and Conditions for Ticket Purchases for the BoF Professional Technology Summit 2024 (March 2024 Event)

20.1 By purchasing a ticket for an event hosted by The Business of Fashion, you hereby agree to the below refund policy.

  • You are able to cancel your ticket at any time up to 14 days prior to the event and receive a full refund. Should you cancel less than 14 days before the event, you are not eligible for any refund.
  • If the event is cancelled by The Business of Fashion, you will be refunded in full.

20.2 By purchasing a ticket for the BoF Professional Technology Summit 2024 in-person event, you hereby agree that no entry will be allowed once the livestream begins.

20.3 The ticket price:

  • Includes attendance at the BoF Professional Technology Summit 2024 on March 22nd 2024 at The Times Center.
  • Includes all meals which are part of the BoF Professional Technology Summit 2024 programming
  • Includes all scheduled events on the agenda
  • Does not include accommodation or travel

20.4 By purchasing a ticket for the BoF Professional Technology Summit 2024 - In Person or Livestream - you confirm that BoF will store your account and profile details in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

20.5 Please be advised that filming and/or photography will be taking place during the event.

20.6 Privacy Policy: Click the following link to view the full policy as a PDF: BoF Privacy Policy, 12. June 2023. Alternatively, you may contact privacy@businessoffashion.com for further information.

20.7 Data obtained from ticket purchases shall be utilised internally by the BoF Team to ensure the optimal experience for you. We shall not disclose your data to third parties unless you provide your consent for us to do so.

Terms and Conditions for Ticket Purchases for The Business of Beauty Global Forum (June 2025 Event)

21.1 Tickets are non-transferable and are based on direct invitations only. If you have not received an invitation from BoF to attend and you purchase a ticket, it will be void and you will be refunded.

21.2 Save for section 20.1 above, tickets are non-refundable, and you will only have the option to transfer or defer your ticket (which is not guaranteed and shall be at BoF’s sole discretion) if a Force Majeure Event occurs. A “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any acts of God or other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of BoF or fires, strikes, pandemics (and associated travel restrictions), embargoes, war, insurrection or riot (each a “Force Majeure Event”) which render it impossible for BoF to host The Business of Beauty Global Forum, or, in the case of pandemic-related international travel restrictions, which render it impossible for you to travel to attend The Business of Beauty Global Forum. In such instances, you will have to provide evidence to BoF’s satisfaction, in the form of a positive covid PCR test, evidence of a canceled flight or official government issued policy or guidance which restrict your ability to attend.

21.3 In the event that you are unable to travel due to pandemic-related restrictions and you provide the evidence set out in section 21.2 above to BoF’s satisfaction, you may have the option to propose an alternate attendee from your organisation to BoF. BoF may, at its sole discretion, permit the transfer of the ticket to the alternate attendee, or defer your ticket to The Business of Beauty Global Forum 2026.

21.4 Please be advised that filming and/or photography will be taking place during the event.

21.5 The ticket price:

  • Includes attendance at The Business of Beauty Global Forum from June 9 - June 10 2025
  • Includes all meals which are part of the The Business of Beauty Global Forum programming
  • Includes all scheduled events on the program
  • Does not include accommodation or travel

21.6 Data obtained from ticket purchases shall be utilised internally by the BoF Team to ensure the optimal experience for you. We shall not disclose your data to third parties unless you provide your consent for us to do so.

Fashion Trade Show Survey
Prize Draw - Terms and Conditions

22.1 Operator: The operator of this prize draw (“Draw”) is The Business of Fashion Limited (“BoF”), with its registered address at Surrey building 1 Surrey St, Temple, London WC2R 2ND - First floor - Unit B3.

22.2 Eligibility: This Draw is open to respondents who complete the fashion trade show survey. Employees of BoF, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, and suppliers, (collectively the “Employees”), and immediate family members and/or those living in the same household as Employees are not eligible to participate in the Draw. The Draw is subject to all applicable laws and regulations.

22.3 Agreement to Terms: By participating, the contestant (the "Contestant", "You") agree to be fully and unconditionally bound by these terms and conditions, and You represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements set out in paragraph 2 above. In addition, You agree to accept the decisions of BoF as final and binding in relation to this Draw.

22.4 Draw Period: All entries must be submitted betweenWednesday 27th September 2023 and Wednesday 25th October 2023 (or a later date to be determined at BoF’s sole discretion).

22.5 How to Enter: The prize draw is free to enter and no purchase is necessary. All entries must be submitted by completing our survey and submitting an email address. The entry must fulfil all Draw requirements, as specified, to be eligible to win a prize. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of BoF. You may enter only once by submitting the survey responses once. You must provide the information requested. You may not enter more times than indicated by using multiple email addresses, identities, or devices in an attempt to circumvent the rules. If you use fraudulent methods or otherwise attempt to circumvent the rules, your submission may be disqualified at the sole discretion of BoF.

22.6 Prizes: There will be three winners of the Draw. The Winner will receive a $750 Apple gift card. The prize is non-transferable. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by Winner is permitted.

22.7 Winner Selection and Notification: The Winner will be selected by a random drawing using a computer generated random selection process under the supervision of BoF. The Winner will be notified using the details provided at entry within five (5) days of selection of the winner. BoF shall have no liability for the Winner's failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for the Winner's provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If a Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible or fails to claim the prize within thirty (30) days from the time award notification was sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected. Receipt by the Winner of the prize offered in this Draw is conditional upon compliance with applicable laws and regulations. By entering you agree that BoF will publish or make available information about the Winners to indicate that a valid award took place. This will include the Winner’s surname and county. If you do not wish this information to be published or made available you should not enter the Draw.

22.8 Cancellation: BoF reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Draw should virus, bug, non-authorised human intervention, fraud, or other cause beyond BoF’s control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, or proper conduct of the Draw. In such case, BoF may select a winner from all eligible entries received prior to and/or after (if appropriate) the action taken by BoF. BoF reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Draw or website or violates these Terms & Conditions. BoF has the right, in its sole discretion, to maintain the integrity of the Draw, to void any Contestant's entry form where it has reason to believe the Contestant has violated the rules, including, but not limited to: multiple entries from the same user from different IP addresses; multiple entries from the same computer in excess of that allowed by Draw rules; or the use of bots, macros, scripts, or other technical means for entering. Any attempt by an entrant to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate operation of the Draw may be a breach of applicable law. Should such attempt be made, BoF reserves the right to seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.

22.9 Limitation of Liability: By entering, You agree to release and hold harmless BoF and its subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers, and directors from any liability, loss, litigation, claim, or damage that may occur, directly or indirectly, whether caused by negligence or not, from such entrant’s participation in the Draw and/or his/her acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of any prize or any portion thereof, save to the extent that such exclusion is not permitted by law. BoF, its subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers, and directors shall not be liable for (i) technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to the malfunction of any computer, cable, network, hardware, or software, or other mechanical equipment; (ii) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any transmissions, telephone, or Internet service; (iii) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Draw; or (iv) electronic or human error in the administration of the Draw or the processing of entries, save to the extent that such exclusion is not permitted by law.

22.10 Disputes: This Draw is governed by the laws of England & Wales. As a condition to participating in this Draw, Contestant agrees that any and all disputes that cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Draw, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively before a court in England. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances shall Contestant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives all rights to, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, including reasonable legal costs, other than Contestant's actual out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. costs associated with entering this Draw).

22.11 Privacy Policy: Information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the BoF’s website. To read the BoF Privacy Policy, please see here.

22.12 To obtain information indicating that a valid award took place, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope together with the request to the address set out at paragraph 1 above. Requests must be received no later than 1 month after the closing date of the competition.

The Business of Beauty Global Awards – Terms and Conditions

23.1 The Business of Beauty Global Awards (the “Competition”) is conducted by The Business of Fashion Limited (Company No. 08212217) (acting for and on behalf of its related entities) (‘BoF’). BoF’s registered office is 16 Great Queen Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2B 5AH. Any rights of BoF are extended to its affiliates.

23.2 The Competition seeks to identify and reward three beauty start-up founders shaping the future of the global beauty industry, selected by BoF’s expert editors and a committee of industry leaders.

23.3 Registration by applicants (the “Applicants”) for the Competition ('Registration') and submission of an entry ('Entry') shall be subject to and in accordance with these Competition Terms. By submitting an Entry, the Applicants hereby agree to be bound by the Competition Terms. Any Registration or Entry that is not in accordance with the Competition Terms will not be valid and will not be considered.

23.4 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, 'Intellectual Property Rights' means all intellectual property rights, registered or unregistered, including the following rights: a) patents, copyright, registered designs, trademarks, know-how, inventions and the right to have confidential information kept confidential; and b) any application or right to apply for registration of any of the rights referred to in paragraph (a).

Applicant Obligations

23.5 To participate in the Competition, Applicants must complete the Registration and submit an Entry by completing the Typeform at this link.

23.6 Entries must not include inappropriate language or material, gratuitous violence, sexual references or statements or material that, in BoF’s opinion, promote hatred towards an individual, race, or community or which are offensive, illegal, inflammatory, obscene, unsuitable for minors, abusive, indecent, threatening, or otherwise unlawful.

23.7 By submitting an Entry, each Applicant warrants and agrees that: a) all details provided with the Entry are true and accurate; b) the submission fee is non-refundable; c) at the time of the Entry, the Applicant meets the Criteria set out below; d) the Entry, and the Product submitted as part of that Entry, is wholly comprised of original work, created and owned by the Applicant; e) Any details accompanying the Products (e.g. ingredients) are true and accurate; f) the Applicant has all necessary rights and licenses to grant the rights set out in these Competition Terms; g) the exercise of the rights granted to BoF in these Competition Terms will not infringe the rights of any third parties; and h) the Applicant will indemnify the BoF against any loss of damage resulting from any breach of these warranties.

23.8 In the event of any non-compliance with this section, BoF may, in its discretion, determine that the Entry is not valid and is excluded from the Competition. BoF reserves its rights to seek damages and enforce the indemnity provided in those clauses.


23.9 Applicants must meet the following Criteria:

23.9.1 Annual Revenues: Applicants’ companies must have generated a minimum of $250,000 USD (or equivalent in other currencies) in revenue in 2023.

23.9.2 Market Stage: Applicants’ companies must be selling products and have at least one active distribution channel: DTC through your company's website In your company's retail store(s)website Through wholesale accounts.

23.9.3 Fundraising: Applicants’ companies must not have raised over $10 million USD (or equivalent in other currencies) in funding since founding.

23.9.4 Product: Applicants’ companies must sell a product in at least one of the following categories: makeup, skincare, hair care, body care and fragrance.

23.9.5 Applicants must be over the age of 18 as of March 21, 2024.

Fine Print

23.10 Entries cost $500 and the entry deadline is Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.

23.11 Entries must meet all of the criteria listed above as of March 21, 2024.

23.12 All information submitted as part of an application will be treated with confidentiality. All judges will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and are prohibited from discussing application information with any third party. By submitting your application you agree to these terms and to allow our third party judges to review your application.

23.13 All Applicants will be required to send 2 samples (under 50ml each) of one hero product to New York City to be reviewed by the selection committee. Please note the costs of shipment will be covered by the applicant.

23.14 All applicants should be available to attend The Business of Beauty Global Forum taking place at Stanly Ranch, Napa Valley, California from June 2 - 5, 2024.

23.15 The selected finalists will be given complimentary tickets (valued at $7,500) and accommodation to attend the full event. Travel costs will need to be covered by the applicant.

23.16 Only one complimentary ticket will be offered per entry.

23.17 If you are unable to attend the global forum, you will need to be available on June 2 to pitch via Zoom

23.18 The finalists will be announced by mid-May.

Competition finalists, winner and prize(s)

23.19 Finalists will be determined by a Competition judging panel consisting of BoF’s expert selection committee.

23.20 For further information on the prizes (each a ‘Prize’), please see the section above titled “The Fine Print”.

23.21 The Finalists must agree to these Competition Terms to be eligible to receive the Prizes.

23.22 The Prize values and description are correct at time of printing, but no responsibility is accepted for any variation in the value or the nature of any Prize. In the event that any prize is unavailable for whatever reason, BoF reserves the right to substitute any prize for a prize of equal or greater value.

23.23 If a Finalist has not been in contact with BoF within 48 hours of being notified, BoF reserves the right to offer the Prizes to the next eligible entrant selected by the relevant judging panel. BoF does not accept any responsibility if a Winner is not able (or otherwise fails) to take up the Prize. In that event, the new Winner will be selected in accordance with the Competition Terms.

23.24 Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable, and non-monetary components cannot be taken as a monetary payment.

Limitation of Liability

23.25 To the full extent permitted by law, BoF, its affiliates, representatives, agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate Applicants, or accept any liability for: a) any incorrect or inaccurate information; b) any technical error that may occur in the course of the administration of this Competition; c) any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, loss or delay of any Entry or otherwise in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or alteration of an Entry or the running of the Competition; or d) any injury, damages, expenses, cost, liability or loss whatsoever (whether direct, indirect or consequential) to Applicants or their respective property as a result of any person entering into the Competition.

23.26 These Competition Terms do not exclude any rights that cannot be excluded (for example, any such rights under applicable consumer protection legislation), to the extent permitted by law.

Data Protection and Privacy

23.27 BoF collects, holds and processes personal information about Applicants to include Applicants in the Competition, administer the Competition and to award Prizes (where applicable). If the personal information requested is not provided, an Applicant will be ineligible to participate.

23.28 Applicants agree that BoF may, in the event they become a Finalist or Winner, publish or cause to be published their personal information, name, photograph or likeness in any media globally, without compensation (subject to section 24 below).



23.29 Applicants may only submit one Entry.

23.30 BoF reserves the right to amend these Terms at its sole discretion by posting updated terms. By continuing to participate in the Competition, or accepting any Prize, Applicants are deemed to accept the amended Terms.

23.31 Each Applicant must keep their Entry, and their Innovation, confidential, and not disclose any information about their Entry to any third party, except as required by law or permitted by BoF or these Competition Terms. This confidentiality obligation continues until the date that the Winners are announced by BoF, and does not apply to any information in the public domain (other than if due to a breach of these Competition Terms).

23.32 BoF may at its own discretion refuse Applicants’ entry to the Competition or to award any prize if Applicant fail to comply with these Terms, the law, or if, in BoF’s opinion, an Applicant’s involvement with the Competition may cause adverse publicity to BoF.

23.33 Applicants shall retain ownership of any Intellectual Property Rights in their Entries and Products subject to these Terms. Applicants will grant BoF and its affiliated companies or nominees a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable, royalty free license to use the Intellectual Property Rights in the Entries (and any component of Entries) for the purposes of the Competition without notice and without any fee being paid, including (without limitation) to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, communicate to the public, re-format and sub-licence Entries. However, please note that BoF will not publish any confidential information submitted in the Entries without the Applicants’ prior written consent.

23.34 Upon entry, Applicants waive their Moral Rights (described below) and any other similar rights in the Entries and consent to any act or omission that would otherwise infringe moral or similar rights. In these Terms, Moral Rights includes: a) a right of attribution of authorship; b) a right not to have authorship falsely attributed; c) a right of integrity of authorship; and d) any right of a similar nature which is conferred by statute and which exists or comes to exist anywhere in the world.

23.35 If for any reason the conduct or operation of the Competition is not capable of proceeding as planned, is interfered with, or disrupted in any way, BoF reserves the right to cancel, terminate, suspend, modify or recommence the Competition.

23.36 All decisions made by the BoF regarding the Competition are final and BoF will not enter into any correspondence with Applicants. Please note that entry into the Competition or selection as a Finalist does not constitute advertising or endorsement of the Applicant by BoF.

23.37 If any provision of these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, it will be severed from the remaining provisions, which will continue in full force and effect.

23.38 The Competition is not open to Entries by: a) any employee, officer, or individual contractor of BoF or their affiliates or its agencies involved with the Competition; or b) any natural or adopted child, or sibling of a person referred to in paragraph a.

23.39 These Terms shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and Applicants submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Privacy Policy

The BoF Privacy Policy, updated 12 June 2023, includes the following sections:

  • Information we may collect
  • How we use your information and justification of use
  • Marketing
  • Where we store your personal information
  • Disclosure of your information
  • Security over the Internet
  • Exports outside the EEA
  • How long we retain your personal data
  • Your rights
  • Changes to this policy
  • Contact
  • Reference to Cookie Policy

Click the following link to view the full policy as a PDF: BoF Privacy Policy, 12 June 2023.

Alternatively, you may contact privacy@businessoffashion.com for further information.

Click the following link to view the BoF Cookie Policy as a PDF: BoF Cookie Policy, 8 June 2023.

Alternatively, you may contact privacy@businessoffashion.com for further information.