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STN IP Protection Suite™

Protect your intellectual property, explore the competitive landscape, and uncover new opportunities with innovative IP solutions from CAS.

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The premier source for scientific IP information

Discover the most up-to-date and complete collection of patent and non-patent scientific and technical content with CAS STNext. With powerful precision search tools and specialized technology, CAS STNext helps you confidently find new insights to fuel your innovation efforts.

Explore CAS STNextCAS STNext®

CAS Scientific Patent Explorer™

Efficiently navigate the competitive landscape

CAS Scientific Patent Explorer offers a unique combination of patent analysis and content with world-renowned CAS chemical capabilities in one intuitive platform. Identify gaps and discover new opportunities with user-friendly tools for search, visualization, and analysis.

Explore CAS Scientific Patent ExplorerCAS Scientific Patent Explorer™

CAS Search Guard℠

Keep innovation on track and deliver trusted insights.

CAS Search Guard, included with the STN IP Protection Suite™, is a premium service package that delivers customized training, 1:1 consultation, and personalized support for users. Keep innovation on track and deliver comprehensive IP insights more efficiently by partnering directly with CAS IP experts.

Explore CAS Search GuardCAS Search Guard℠

FIZ PatMon

Monitor your IP and protect your investments

FIZ PatMon offers customized alerts and a user-friendly interface to help you track global patent activity. Monitor your patent portfolio (or those of your competitors) to make smarter business decisions without time-consuming manual searches.


Navigate the competitive landscape

Conduct Freedom To Operate (FTO) analyses, assess overlaps, and uncover trends with specialized tools, unique algorithms, and world-renowned CAS content to uncover critical links and connections.

Mitigate risk and protect Your IP assets

Leverage monitoring tools, workflow solutions, and specialized technology to stay ahead of the competition and protect your investments.

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Leverage comprehensive content

Access unparalleled content from patent and non-patent sources that is aggregated, analyzed, curated, and translated by scientists.

"We are able to retrieve and explore all possible prior art which helps us from reinventing the wheel and also protect us from any potential infringement threats."
Source: TechValidate. TVID: 12E-972-D74
Senior manager
Global IP services company