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Hospital Services and Charges

Price Transparency and Cost Disclosure

Services and Charges - Children's National Hospital and The HSC Pediatric Center

Children’s National is committed to helping patients and families make informed decisions about their healthcare needs. In accordance with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) federal regulation 45 C.F.R. § 180, below is a downloadable list of each of our hospital's standard charges for all services and our payer-specific contracted rates for each insurance company accepted at Children's National.

53-0196580 Childrens National Hospital Standard Charges (CSV)

53-0204670 Rehabilitation and Specialized Care Standard Charges (CSV)

Please note the information provided does not reflect the actual cost of care for patients. Your out-of-pocket costs will vary based on your individual insurance coverage. To better understand your individual coverage, contact your insurance company to confirm your financial responsibility or request an estimate.

Facility Fees

Children’s Financial Assistance Program

What is “Balance Billing” or “Surprise Billing?"

When Balance Billing isn’t Allowed, You Have Protections

In-Network and Out-of-Network Services

Requesting an Estimate

Rehabilitation & Specialized Care Services and Charges

Obtaining Assistance

Please visit the patient financial services website for information on estimates.