Give to CIS

To make a gift to any of the investment opportunities below, please visit the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service gift page and select Center for Industrial Services as the area of support.

Manufacturing Excellence:

  1. David Patterson Future Manufacturing Leaders Endowment - The David Patterson Future Manufacturing Leaders Endowment promotes manufacturing as a career choice.  Your gift supports student experiences and activities, including internships, capstone projects and Manufacturing Day events.
  2. Dr. Rapinder Sawhney CASRE/CIS Fellowship Endowment (Formerly Industrial Fellowship Program Endowment) - The Industrial Fellowship Program Endowment promotes manufacturing as a research and service topic for faculty and students.  Your gift supports faculty and student work on actual manufacturing challenges, leading to innovative solutions.
  3. Made in Tennessee Fund - The Made in Tennessee Fund advances and celebrates Tennessee manufacturers.  Your gift supports the Made in Tennessee website, videos, events and communications that lift up the importance of manufacturing to our country and state.   
  4. Next Generation Manufacturing Leadership Fund -  Your investment means that we will introduce more students to career opportunities in manufacturing, fund faculty and student projects with Tennessee companies, and help smaller firms connect with student interns to solve real-life manufacturing problems.  We will continue to advocate for manufacturing careers and develop future leaders.  And, we will keep manufacturing in Tennessee.

Economic Development:

  1. Philip Trauernicht Memorial Scholarship for Rural Leaders - The Philip Trauernicht Memorial Scholarship for Rural Leaders expands professional development opportunities for economic developers.  Your gift supports tuition and related costs for participation in the Tennessee Basic Economic Development Course. 

General Support:

  1. UT CIS Gift Fund - The UT CIS Gift Fund supports  helps advance and support UTCIS programs and activities that fall outside or beyond existing budgets.  Examples include program development, student recognition, and employee appreciation events.  Your gift can be tailored to support specific initiatives that are important to you. 

Sponsorships provide an opportunity for your organization to partner with UT CIS to present training and networking events, sponsor a particular program, and reach a specific audience.  Naming rights are available.

Please visit the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service gift page and select Center for Industrial Services as the area of support to make a gift to any of the opportunities listed above. To discuss these and other investment opportunities, contact Paul Jennings, Executive Director (615-532-8887, [email protected])