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Three Cart Sizes
       35 gal.               65 Gal.                  95 Gal.


The Streets Division provides the residents and business it services with one trash and one recycling cart.

Green carts are for recycling.

Tan carts for trash.



There are two cart sizes for refuse and recycling carts. Only the 65 and 95 gallon containers are available.  (The 35 gallon cart size shown in the photo is no longer available.)


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Residents can exchange a cart for a larger size at no cost by using the report-a-problem system or by contacting the the Streets Division office that services their home.

Carts will need to be emptied for the exchange to occur and staff will follow up with you on additional steps.

You will need to know the serial number of the cart(s) you use now prior making an exchange.

damaged & missing carts

Missing and damaged carts can also be replaced or repaired.

Use the report-a-problem form or contact the Streets Division to set up the replacement or repair.

You will need to know the serial number of the cart(s) the damaged cart if it is available.  Missing carts can be reported without that serial number.

Depending on the situation, residents may need to purchase their replacement cart if the cart is severely damaged or has gone missing.  This is a case-by-case situation, so contact the Streets Division to discuss the options.


cart purchase prices & fees

If a resident needs an additional cart (or carts) to appropriate contain the waste they generate, additional carts can be purchased.

Here are the prices:

  • 65 gallon carts - $60
  • 95 gallon carts - $75


Resource Recovery Special Charge

If you are purchasing an extra recycling cart for your business, you are subject to an increase in your monthly Resource Recovery Special Charge


Excess Trash Carts Monthly Fee

If you have have more than 4 refuse carts per unit an additional yearly fee is required.

For the fifth refuse cart, and each subsequent cart, there is an $80 yearly fee.

(For example, if you have seven refuse carts at your home, you will have a $240 yearly fee - that's 4 refuse carts at no additional fee, and then an $80 yearly fee for each of the fifth, sixth, and seventh carts)



  35 Gallon 65 Gallon 95 Gallon
Height w/Lid 39.13" 40.58" 45.13"
Width 20.20" 26.70" 28.50"
Depth 22.98" 28.11" 33.73"


The 35 gallon cart is no longer available.  The dimensions provided here are to help residents who currently have 35 gallon carts understand the dimensions and see that a 65 gallon cart does not take much that much more space.

Cart Serial Number

The serial number is located on the body of the cart on the front side that should face the street when out for collection.  They are in large white numbers. (See picture to the left for an example.)

You can determine the size of your cart by looking at this number. The first two digits indicate the year in which the cart was made. In this photo, the numbers 08 indicate the cart was made in 2008.

The third digit (or you can also see it as the first digit after the space) will be either a 3, 6, or 9.

That will tell you the size of your cart. A 3 indicates a 35-gallon cart, a 6 indicates a 65-gallon cart and a 9 indicates a 95-gallon cart.

In this photo, the third digit is the number 9, which means it is a 95-gallon cart.


what happened to the 35-gallon cart?

These carts were phased out some time ago because they proved too problematic for our collections. And they were not very popular with residents, creating storage problems.

The very small carts had a much greater tendency to tip over and spill into the street.  And also fall over when set back down after collection.

Plus, they slid out of the collection arm and into our trucks more often when full. To try to combat the slippage, we tried tightened the grip on the trucks, but that only lead to cracking the largest size cart.

Additionally, with online shopping being more popular than ever, the small carts just do not hold enough material for most families - especially the tiny recycling cart.

The surplus of 35 gallon carts we had in storage was donated to Kanifing, Gambia to help with their waste crisis in February of 2019.

Any 35-gallon cart we receive now from residents is very often broken and unfit for redistribution, so they are packaged to be returned to the manufacturer.

We understand that some residents are currently using small carts but these are outliers. Once those carts break, they will be replaced with 65 gallon carts.


More cart questions?