Assister newsletters

Assister newsletters

CMS regularly sends a newsletter to assisters that offers updates, tips, summaries of specific policies, and information about outreach and enrollment initiatives. The newsletter is sent out via email and then posted on If there are any differences between the version sent out via email and the version posted online, the version posted online should be considered the final, preferred version. To sign up for the CMS Assister Newsletter, please send a request to the Assister Listserv inbox ([email protected]) and write “Add to listserv” in the subject line. Please include the email address that you would like to add to the listserv in the body of your email.

Content in the Assister Newsletters is relevant to your work if you are a Navigator, non-Navigator assistance personnel (“in-person assister”), or certified application counselor (collectively, an assister) in a state with a Federally-facilitated Marketplace or State Partnership Marketplace.  Please note that the information presented in the Assister Newsletters is informal, technical assistance for assisters and is not intended as official CMS guidance. Newsletter content reflects policy and operations at the date of publication, and generally has not been updated to reflect any changes subsequent to the date of publication. Assisters should continue to refer to the applicable statutes and regulations, and to formal CMS guidance, for complete and current information about the requirements that apply to their work.

Page Last Modified:
09/15/2023 05:29 PM