Courses & Registration

Course Registration

To view course registration dates for graduate students please visit the Graduate Dates and Deadlines on the university registrar's website.

Non-Computer Science graduate students should email the Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC) for enrollment assistance after receiving approval from the instructor to enroll. 

Undergraduate students wanting to enroll in a graduate-level CSC course should review the university requirements and instructions, in addition to consulting with their undergraduate academic advisor.  AMP students should also consult with the GPC.


Please see the list of CSC courses for information about our graduate course offerings. Please note that many of the courses on this list are not offered every semester. See the Schedule of Classes through your UAccess Student Center to see what is currently offered, and email [email protected] if you have questions. Complete the Syllabus Request Form to request recent course syllabi. 

CS individual study courses (not shown on the above list) are also available, and include CSC 599, 699, 900 or 910, please complete an Individual Studies form with your project/faculty advisor and email the completed form to the GPC.  For enrollment in CSC 920, please email the GPC.