Snoqualmie Bog Natural Area Preserve

sphagnum moss bog and freshwater wetland system
This preserve protects a sphagnum moss bog and freshwater wetland system, now extremely rare in the Puget Sound basin. The site includes two state-listed sensitive plant species, mountain bladderwort and few- flowered sedge, as well as the state-candidate Beller's ground beetle. A small strip of natural old growth forest with western hemlock and western redcedar remains along one edge of the bog.
Features Protected: Low-elevation bog, low-elevation freshwater wetland, few-flowered sedge, flatleaf bladderwort, and Beller’s ground beetle
Ecoregion:  North Cascades (King County)

Science, Research and Monitoring

Public and private universities, other research institutions and individual researchers may contact DNR to propose a research project at the site. If you are interested in pursuing research at Snoqualmie Bog NAP, please contact David Wilderman, natural areas ecologist, at [email protected].  

Environmental Education and Public Access

Currently no formal educational programs are available at Snoqualmie Bog NAP. The site is not ADA accessible and facilities are not available. For more information, contact the DNR South Puget Sound Region natural areas manager.