FY 2021 Uncompensated Trauma Care Fund Distribution (Funds 5108 & 5007) – June 2023

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), EMS & Trauma Systems is pleased to announce that the Uncompensated Trauma Care Fund distributions to designated trauma facilities occurred the week of June 19, 2023.

$576,262.00 from the Emergency Medical services, Trauma Facilities, and Trauma Care Systems Account (Fund 5108/1131) and $555,561.90 from the Commission on State Emergency Communications Account (Fund 5007/911) were distributed to 294 eligible hospitals.

Background info

Texas Health and Safety Code §773.122 directs DSHS to use 27% of funds in the Emergency Medical services, Trauma Facilities, and Trauma Care Systems Account (Fund 5108) and 27% of funds in the Commission on State Emergency Communications Account (Fund 5007) to fund a portion of uncompensated trauma care provided at hospitals designated as state trauma facilities.

Uncompensated trauma care disbursement methodology

Calculations are made in the following manner:

  • Calendar Year (CY) 2019 uncompensated trauma care charges reported by eligible hospitals on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Uncompensated Trauma Care Fund Application (Hospital Allocation) were used in the funding formula.
  • Fifteen percent (15%) of the total amount of funds available was divided equally amongst all eligible applicants.
  • The remaining eighty-five percent (85%) was distributed to eligible applicants based on the percentage of uncompensated trauma care a hospital provided in relation to the total uncompensated trauma care provided by all the eligible hospitals that applied.

Funding information

The calculation spreadsheet indicates disbursement amounts for each trauma designated facility. 

FY 2021 Uncompensated Trauma Care Fund Distribution (Funds 5108 & 5007)


Please contact DSHS EMS/Trauma Systems at [email protected] if you have any questions about the uncompensated trauma care funding.