
EBSCO is committed to providing positive experiences for all users. Accessibility is a key consideration in all our product development strategies. Contact [email protected] with accessibility questions.

For Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates® (VPAT®) for EBSCO eBooks, EDS, EBSCOhost, and Locate please see: EBSCO VPATs. To request VPATs for other EBSCO products, contact EBSCO support.

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Libraries are for everyone

EBSCO invests time and resources to provide all users with access to our products. We maintain relationships with several consultancies that periodically test and review the accessibility of our products. In addition, we work with customers and conduct EBSCO user research to support accessibility. Our commitments include:

  • Completing annual accessibility audits conducted by a qualified third party
  • Testing our platforms with both JAWS and NVDA
  • Conducting usability studies with visually- and physically-impaired users
  • Working directly with institutions and their users to address their concerns
  • Providing accessibility guides for products like EBSCOhost and EBSCO eBooks

Accessible product features

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Text-to-speech functionality on full-text articles

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Transcripts for videos

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Alternate Text

Descriptive page titles and alternate text for meaningful images

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ARIA Landmarks

ARIA landmarks to assist users with screen readers

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Keyboard Access

Keyboard-only navigation

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EPUB & DRM-free eBooks

Many titles available DRM-free and in EPUB format

Questions about the accessibility of our products?